Syl Teach
Born as Sylvas Tel'algren in the Falwood city of Fel'Elthwin, the Gendarme now known simply by most of his fellows as "Syl" has long ago abandoned many of the principals he once held dear.
Reticent to speak of his past, Syl has spent the last two hundred years of his life as a part of the Elbion Gendarmerie.
No one is quite sure why or how Syl ended up in Elbion, but mostly simply don't care. As one of the oldest and longest standing Gendarme, he is an invaluable resource. One hailed as one of the best, Syl has shown that he is more than capable of solving crimes and digging into any problem that he comes across.
Over his many years of service he has solved many murders, robberies, and other high crimes. He even took part in the famed investigation into the Elbion Ripper, eventually finding the culprit and arresting him practically by himself.
Despite his tenure within the Elbion Gendarmerie, the toll of his work has dug deep into Syl. Where once he stood against every injustice and did his best to curb every crime, he has come to understand that some things...must simply be let go. Like many of his fellows he understands that within the world he lives in some things must be more flexible than others.
Though never outright corrupt, Syl understands that one hand must wash the other.
A lesson he is more than ready to impart for the greater good.
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