Siraj of The Basilisk
Siraj was born within the ash and dust of the Blightlands.
His tribe was neither significant, nor truly powerful, though was one of the few that still resisted Menalus and his rule within the Blight. Nomad's, Siraj's tribe spent most of their time traveling through the Blightlands from oasis to oasis, taking advantage of ancient waterways and old caverns to cloak themselves.
Through this manner and deception they managed to survive throughout the years, hiding away and always skirting along the edges of Patrols.
This was the life that Siraj was born into. Constantly being hunted, constantly sought after. Though for much of his existence he did not understand it, this simple fact of his life was enough for him.
Siraj never much questioned these things, deciding early on that it was best for him not to know. Of course, his ignorance would be his undoing. Shortly after his fifteenth nameday, one of the tribe betrayed the others. As they reached one of their main caverns they were happened upon by one of the Son's of Menalus and a cadre of Blight Orcs.
What little warriors and soldiers the tribe had put up a fight, but against the tide of Orcs they were quickly wiped out. Most of the tribe was slaughtered, save for a handful.
One of those spared was Siraj, who found himself dragged back to the Dungeons of Molthal.
There he was tortured by the son of Menalus.
Flesh was stripped from his muscle, bones were broken, skin was marred, and every other torture that the fire-giant's spawn could thing of was done unto the young tribesam. He was questioned, asked for the location of his tribes paths, and for any connection to others.
For two years this torture endured, until the truth of why Menalus had wanted Siraj and his tribe was revealed.
During one of the more routine interrogations, ash and sand were spilled onto the ground. Heated with fire, they were intended to once again mar Siraj's flesh. It was in panic, finality, desperation that the young man reached out and called upon magics that welled within his soul.
The sand and ash upon the floor bent, shifted, and then impaled the Son of Menalus. It tore through his body and ripped him apart in seconds, leaving Siraj hanging from the chains utterly stunned.
With panic set into his very soul Siraj called upon the magic once more, desperately using the sands to break his bindings and dragging him from his chains. Slowly he crept from the dungeons of Molthal, throwing himself into a sewer to wash himself into the blightlands.
There he wanders, barely clinging to life.
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