Simin Omid
Simin is a lustrous white and grey mix. Called silver among their family and clan, their features closely match this with platinum hair and silver horns. The eyes however, are a throwback to their late great grandmother who had gold eyes. What remains of their hair is kept shoulder length, most of the remaining hair growing from the crown and back.All of their hairline has been claimed by rampant horn growth. Lucky for them though, the horns have not grown in front of their face. Their scales are richly colored, being closely compared to snow or silver, as is their namesake.
Beneath the plain clothes that do not tell if this one is a pretty man or woman, large splotches of white skin exist on their lower extremities. Their feet are completely covered up to their knee, then becomes spotty up to the thigh where separate splotches exist at the hip and groin. Small white patches also cover the underside of their hands, but nowhere else currently.
Skills and Abilities
Serving Drinks and Food - About all the Simin is good for work wise in the eyes of most people. Even that is a bit of a stretch for some.Person of the Evening - The only other thing that Simin has been deemed good for in the shady dive they work in.
Dagger- Simin has a little bit of skill with the dagger. Learned as part of their deal with the tavern owner, Simin cannot fight per say, but being sneaky, they can find a soft spot to stick someone in if they cause trouble at the Ship-Shape Tavern.
Simin is a tender heart. They tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and even if proven wrong, will not think ill of anyone. Being prone to excusing others behavior as spur of the moment, or having some deeper meaning behind the slight. Coming from a family that strives for peace with other races, Simin is the jewel of the family in their attempt at that.
Smiles and warm greeting are typical of Simin, as they tend to not let a bad mood influence their day. Deriding comments or slurs do not seem to affect them, only steeling their resolve to change the person's attitude or outlook.
On the inside, moral conflict is a common thing for Simin. As they moonlight as both a person of the evening, and a vigilante assassin. Seldom few have ever truly felt Simin's blade or bite, but many have felt Simin's eyes upon them. Unless the offender has done something truly despicable, Simin will not act.
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