Wetland Ruins
A small area set within/near the upper portion of the Uk-'u delta, its wetlands, local wildlife, and yearly heavy floods make it a difficult location to traverse or settle in; despite this, remnants of a past settlement have been found and recent unusual activity in the area suggests habitation.
Some theories speculate that this area might not always have been a wetland, that the settlement was created for a specific purpose and then quickly abandoned, or that its past inhabitants had some adaptations to the environment; a more in-depth study has yet to be done on the site.
Some theories speculate that this area might not always have been a wetland, that the settlement was created for a specific purpose and then quickly abandoned, or that its past inhabitants had some adaptations to the environment; a more in-depth study has yet to be done on the site.
Points of Interest
Abandoned Fort
an old fort that, despite its dilapidated and overgrown appearance, still has strong walls and a solid foundation. Who built or once lived there currently remains a mystery.
A high number of recent disappearances have been associated with this area. ((approach with caution!))

odd stones depicting rune-like carvings lie scattered and buried around the marsh; many of the stones are shattered, have their markings worn by time, or look unfinished.

Small parts of the marsh have also started showing signs of some sort of infection that has begun to drain or change the local flora and fauna in unexpected ways.

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