Translation Stone
Translation stones are worn about the neck and allow the speaker to project their voice in any language. It also grants the wearer temporary understanding of the chosen language.
To set a language, an individual simply touches the front of the stone and speaks a phrase in the desired tongue. The speaker will then have their voice projected in the chosen language until a new one is set.
The wearer will hear the chosen language in their own native tongue for as long as the stone is set.
Translation stones have been used by Chi'xilixi for as long as any can remember. It is the only way they are able to speak to outsiders, as their mouthparts do not naturally permit any language other than their own.
The following is unknown to outsiders
The translation stones were created by the portal stone builders so that they could communicate more efficiently with their Chi'xilixi slave workforce. Several thousand stones were created and spread amongst the hives, given to individuals who could relay orders and information most effectively.
The following is unknown to outsiders
The translation stones were created by the portal stone builders so that they could communicate more efficiently with their Chi'xilixi slave workforce. Several thousand stones were created and spread amongst the hives, given to individuals who could relay orders and information most effectively.
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