1. Sandbox
  2. The Dark Army

This page is a chapter in The Sharyrdian Order

The Dark Army

Religious Military Arkhivom
Goeol Gathol Aeraesar
Out-of-character information

The Dark Army, or I Morëliyúmë as it is also known, serves under the command and control of the one known as Arkhivom and his many lieutenants. It is composed primarily of strange and ghastly, subservient monsters, but there are various types of creatures who have joined the ranks of the Dark Army. Appearing first as a horde over 100 years ago, it has become a far more structured and far deadlier entity than its first inception.

It is within the hidden, dark fortress of Goeol Gathol where Arkhivom and his lieutenants dwell. The exact location of this place has long been a mystery, but it is believed to be somewhere in southern Aeraesar.



Exarchs: Arkhivom's first lieutenants. Exarchs act as generals in the Dark Army, and are granted greater control over the army's monsters than those of lesser rank. Many of them have been gifted other dark and twisted powers, but some have chosen to refrain from these alterations.

Overlords: Overlords make up the upper echelons of the Dark Army. The best comparison to rivalling military structures would define Overlords as a blanket term for the army's "officer" class. Among Overlords there is certainly an unwritten hierarchy, with the strongest of them answering first to the Exarchs.

The bottom tiers of the Dark Army's structure are broken up into two easily defined categories: those who retain some of their free will, and those who do not - the Aica and Gwathui.

The Aica
, or often called in the common tongue as the Wicken, or the Wicks, were at first only individuals who when given a choice to join Arkhivom, did so willingly. Because of this, while their minds were corrupted by dark magic, they were given freedom to think for themselves. These individuals took on varying physical alterations as a result. In the years since, the Aica have come to also include people not touched by the same dark magics as the originals.

The Gwathui, or the Shade Ghouls are the main body of the Dark Army. While a great deal of them are obviously the twisted images of what were once various forms of wildlife, changed into something else, there are some that were also quite clearly once people. But very few of them, it would seem, retain any semblance of who they may have been, exhibiting great physical and behavioural changes.




When the Dark Army appeared over 100 years ago, where it had come from was at first uncertain. But, as the war carried on it became apparent that the various monsters that made up the horde were the result of dark, magical rituals. It was only a matter of time before the Dark Army's primary adversaries - the Aerai - fell victim to these rituals. Soon, others did as well. Over time, the Dark Army was made up of a various assortment of equally corrupted creatures, all seemingly bound to the will of one overriding force.

It was in what was to be the final hours of the Aerai when the Dark Army seemingly disbanded, abandoning their siege on the elven city of Sharyrdaes. Remnants of this army could be found across the country for the following century, displaying feral and territorial tendencies.

Upon the return of their guiding, ruling force, the Dark Army has once again gathered together to achieve their prior goal. Though this time, as many who know them from before have noticed, they seemed to have adopted a far more structured hierarchy as opposed to the waves of mindless monsters from times past. What has also be noticed are the red crystals that the Exarchs and Overlords have been seen wearing in various forms from rings to pendants.


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