Nolmo Undómë
For centuries, Nolmo has served as Istoneth of the Temple Shorai in Sharyrdaes; mentor and teacher to all the Aerai youth. Of those living in these days, there are few who have not at one time or another been a pupil of hers, and to many she is still viewed as one of great wisdom and council.
Nolmo, despite being over a millennia old, could still easily be mistaken as an Aerai of any age. She is fair like all her kin, with hair as white as freshly fallen snow. Her features are quite fine, and her figure quite lean. And though she is an Aerai of considerable age, the vibrance of colour remains in her eyes, indicating an expectation for perhaps centuries to come.
Skills and Abilities
As Istoneth, Nolmo has dedicated her life to the collection and impartation of knowledge. There are few topics relevant to the Aerai that she is not greatly familiar with, and many that she has mastered. She is not only a tremendous academic, but she is a teacher of many martial arts, armed and unarmed, and a master of the arcane. But above all of these gifts her most crucial talent lies in her ability to teach. She does this by not simply sharing her knowledge, but guiding, and mentoring in whatever ways her students need most. It comes in her dedication for those under her tutelage to succeed.
Many, even among the Aerai, would describe Nolmo as something of an enigma. Or a complete enigma. At a glance and, over time, she comes across as rather cold and unfeeling, unattached to the people around her or the emotions of others. Even in the Shoraes her mind is closed and quiet, present but distant. And for the most part this is quite true, as she does purposefully pull herself away from the collective, but she has no desire to flee or depart from it. This distance she places is in fact a practice that she has taken on over her many years as Istoneth. In willingly sacrificing the closeness she feels in the collective, she can relate better with those she is bringing up to join with them. Though very few see it, it is indeed a great sacrifice, and a great effort to maintain. And though it often takes some time, her students do begin to understand how empathic she truly is.
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