Fae Metallurgy
Meant as a misnomer to fool mortals, leyron, known to the fae as leyluminum, is found as deposits of aluminium that lay upon leylines. This non-ferrous metal, when left upon a leyline for a substantial amount of time absorbs magical energy from the line which imbues it with the ability to be enchanted and strengthened by fae smiths.
Much the same as its more common counterpart, Leysteel is aluminum found upon leylines, however, it can only be formed when found at the intersection of leylines. This convergence leads to a significantly stronger imbuement of ley magic therefore making it a valuable commodity to fae society.
While the fae often attempt to keep their presence a secret, legends of the magical race and their artifacts still abound and rumors of fae metal have of course slipped out into the public. To ensure their secrets are kept, fae have launched an effective campaign with their warlocks to spread misinformation about leyron, causing the mortal realm to believe that it is in-fact caused by leaving iron in the ground for a hundred years with no mention of aluminum ever being made.
Aluminum will only be charged with enough magic to be considered as leyluminum after approximately a hundred years of being untouched while sitting upon a ley line. While this length of time can grow or be shortened by the power of the line upon which is set, the average has remained. Similar to its time of formation, the power of the leyron can be increased by its time without being disturbed. Occasionally ancient deposits of leyron found deep within the ground upon a strong leyline can rival that of the average leysteel.
Highly sought after for their utility, leysmiths take pride in the mastering of their trade. Given aluminum's natural weakness compared to mundane iron and steel, leysmiths use a mixture of mundane smithing, and enchantment to produce the desired effect from their materials. This combination of mundane and magic allows for leyluminum to have a variety of properties and uses once it is done being forged into its final shape.
Having been steeped in magic during its formation, Leyron and leysteel are both highly susceptible to enchantments,the latter taking to them particularly well. Because of this, fae will often work with leysmiths to fold personalized magics or enchantments into their weapons and tools. These enchantments are heavily dependent on the sith and the fae supplying the extra magic. Most leymetal tools and weapons are forged with some form of strengthening magic to put them on par or above mortal steel. However, other enchantments include metallic shapeshifting, elemental affinity, or other more unique spells.
Ordinarily, Leymetal looks much like steel, holding a predominantly silvery metallic luster. However, natural imbuement of magic does give unworked leymetal a bluish tint and glow which remains even after most forging processes. This coloration may change given different enchantments folded into the metal after forging.