

Biographical information
Cortos Unknown NA
Physical description
Warforged Male 7’0" 350 NA NA NA
Political information
Traveling Mercenary
Out-of-character information
Schmoedle Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)

Once a powerful mercenary, and now not much more than a devoted member of a minor crime ring, Siegewright goes goes with whomever has earned his loyalty. This typically consists of members from his previous mercenary group. Siegewright isn't necessarily considered good or bad, but will go along with whomever he trusts. He is a very strong ally to whomever has the pleasure of his loyalty.
Siegewright is merely a body comprised of metal and wood with a soul bound to it, aka a Warforged. He has no recollection of his human life, however. His soul had been bound to this machinery


The Warforged are essentially bodies designed for destruction, and are constructed primarily of wood and metal. They are usually hollow inside, to decrease weight and save on materials. This applies to Siegewright in it's entirety. However, unlike most of his kind, he has leather clothing of black and gold gifted to him by his creator. This allows him to better assimilate amongst humans, and well as provides some protection from the elements. He cares little about his appearance as long as he is functional, and hence may deal with rust on his joints from time to time. He avoids water as much as possible, as it can damage his body.

Skills and Abilities

Siegewright was designed to be a powerhouse war machine, and that's exactly what he does. He is very proficient in both hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting. His main weapon is a black and incredibly heavy broadsword; there are few living being strong enough to wield it as he does. Seeing has he does not have a mortal body, he does not feel pain or bleed. However, this also means he cannot eat, taste, or feel much of anything. This weighs on him often, although he cannot remember his previous life. This is also unfortunate because if he is damaged in combat, he must be repaired by a professional and cannot heal on his own.

This, however, is of little concern to Siegewright. A warforged is designed to be disposable, which he takes to heart a little too much. He fights fearlessly, especially to protect those he is committed to. There is great power as well as great risk in the lack of fear he displays in combat.


Siegewright is very difficult to get to know. Aside from the fact that he knows little of his past and spends most of his present in the service of others, he is incredibly stoic and reserved. This becomes especially intimidating since he cannot create any sort of facial expressions; it is nearly impossible to ever know what he is thinking. Siegewright is of the sympathy that he should only speak when absolutely necessary- if he deems his input is not needed (which could be often depending on whom he is with) he will opt to not speak. Those who spend enough time with Siegewright and gain his trust and respect are able to begin sensing his moods and their changes through minor shifts of atmosphere (the closest he can get to facial expressions).

Having been created to kill/destroy, Siegewright is surprisingly naïve when it comes to any other matters. One of the few things he noticeably enjoys (and that he keeps very secret) is collecting little trinkets and learning about what they're for. He is still exploring more complex emotions since his entire conscious life has been spent in some form of servitude and he has hardly ever been encouraged to think for himself.

To those who Siegewright trusts and respects, he is more loyal than arguably anyone. This loyalty combined with his fearlessness means he will quite literally put his soul on the line for a trusted colleague or partner. Many employers (especially those of a more devious nature) find this to be a very valuable trait.

Biography & Lore

In times of great war and tumult, finding troops that are both powerful and expendable can be difference between success and failure. The Warforged were created to satisfy this need. However, there was no magic powerful enough to power them like a living being. Those who created Warforged would harness to souls of the fallen and bind them to these mechanical suits. This process of soul-binding not only causes the soul to forget it's live previous, but they do not get to experience the benefits of a living body.

Such is the case for Siegewright. Although he cannot recall and was never told, he was likely a once soldier that had fallen in battle. His creator, an inventive man named Ranulphus, prized Siegewright as his most valuable creation. The construction of his joints and the hardiness of his body were thought to supersede all previous warforged. For a long time, Siegewright lived up to this claim; those he faced in battle met a quick death, and he did not take damage often. Towards the end of the war, however, the battle reached Ranulphus's workshop, where both Siegewright and the inventor remained when not on the field. In a horrific and final battle, the entire area was decimated along with all beings within it. Siegewright stood alone, holding Ranulphus in his arms as the metal on his body simmered from the surrounding heat.

Siegewright had been created to follow orders, and without anyone to instruct him what to do, he was at a loss. He wandered aimlessly for an unknown amount of time. He was still a young enough creation to not understand how to properly measure time, and as he needs no physical sustenance he had nothing to go off of. He mostly wandered through deserts and wildernesses, gaining an interesting in funny trinket and treasures he discovered along the way. Trying to understand what they were for reminded him of Ranulphus, which was the closest he had to a familial bond.

When he finally had stumbled into civilization, his sheer stature and durability drew attention to him quickly. He was enlisted as a mercenary to serve as muscle and powerhouse. Siegewright had not concept that what they were doing was illegal, but enjoyed being around others again and having some type of direction. Determined not to let anyone else die, he fought ferociously and did absolutely everything asked of him. Siegewright now continues in this path, desperate for human connection but unsure of how to pursue and maintain it.

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