Riker-Ryn Perkhimote

Riker-Ryn Perkhimote

Biographical information
Sathurran Nest, The Spire 47 Sathuria
Physical description
Dragos Male 6'3 210lbs Glacial White Light grey with a deep white slit
Political information
Scout, Patrol RizUn Riker, Rike, Pecks, Daddy
Out-of-character information

{Biography & Lore}

Riker-Ryn hatched from his egg a tad bit premature. From that he couldn't keep with the other children in his Riz and thus had to work twice as hard for the same result. Needless to say, he otherwise had a normal childhood.


Things started to change drastically once Riker-Ryn reached 17 years of age. Temperatures were dropping to an abnormally low state for the house. Food and fruit became scarce, which lead to larger hunting parties in order to scavenge more from the land. Riker-Ryn's father, a few other Riz, and himself were sent into a cave to scrounge for any large mammals that may have stayed to hibernate. As the group passed through the cave, it became more and more apparent that this cave wasn't naturally formed. The occasional wooden structure would pop up from time to time with torches that looked to been dead for years. Upon reaching what was thought to be a dead end, Riker-Ryn scrounged on a nearby wall and found some of hole, with a chest in it. He opened the chest and immediately regretted it.

The cave began to rumble and what was perceived to be collapsing. Riker-Ryn's father ordering the rest of the Riz to flee immediately. They ran and flew as fast as they could, but fate had no pity on them today. As Riker-Ryn was in mid-flight, a large rock had fallen from the ceiling and pinned him into the floor. RIker-Ryn's father turned and raced to grab his son, just barely maneuvering through the falling rock. He reached Riker and proceeded to lift the rubble off.

Oh no...

Riker's left wing had been caught under the large boulder one even he couldn't lift. Riker's eyes caught his father's and fear struck the both of them.

Father please...

Riker understood what needed to happen, he wasn't prepared for it but they had no other option. Riker's father pulled out his carving knife and in one quick swipe cut just before the joint of his wing. A shriek heard for 100 miles escaped from Riker and was put into a coma shortly after.

Upon waking from his near-death experience, he was greeted by his mother's caring glacial white eye's and soothing touch. "Thank goodness you're alive. You had me in a cold for the last week."

"Where's father?"

Riker's mother's soothing eye's soon turned to that of despair and grief. "We wanted to make sure you were awake before anything to be planned. Your father was crushed by the rubble shortly after saving you. We were able to recover his body a few days ago."

Riker had been so consumed with guilt, he left the Sathurran nest that night. He didn't return for 3 weeks. Upon his arrival back to the nest, he had requested a meeting with the Monah. Riker requested to become main patrol and scout for now until the day he breathes his last breath. The Monah granted this, but on two conditions.

One: Riker would participate in every Riz'Thuum from now until his duty is completed.
Two: Never leave the nest for more than 2 years time.

Riker agreed.

Many years passed, many patrols held,and mourning had been forgotten. Riker is proud to say he's never lost a life on any patrol on his watch.


Star Scales-
Riker-Ryn boasts a matting of scales across his body. Icy-blue scales line the outer portions of his arms, legs, and the top part of his tail. Whereas as the white sits on the inside clearly defining his chest and stomach and proceeding to continue unto the inner part of his thigh and the underside of the tail. Occasionally there is a dull gold scale in a recognizable pattern across the blue scales, with a large portion profoundly displayed on his Adam's apple reaching all the way up unto his chin.

Let's go cliff divin! -Oh wait
His wing keeps the same pattern as the rest of his main body, the webbing carrying a glacial white until reaction the forelimbs in which the icy-blue scalage begins to take over. The wing's limb all converge onto one center joint which has a cracked claw.

He only has one wing. Ragged, torn up, burnt you name it. The inner webbing is completely useless even before the fact it is impossible to fly without another wing.

Horny MoFo with godlike hair-
Riker's horns are that of any typical male Dragos. More crown like in shape and texture, each starting at the base of his hairline just above his forehead and off towards the edges. Contrary to his bright scales, his hair is a dark navy blue that runs effortlessly down his head and onto his shoulders. Most of the time he keeps it in a ponytail for scouting and convenience. It is a blessing to let you touch his hair, just do it you won't be disappointed.

Has a very noticeable burn mark in the shape of an upside-down cross on the right side of his face.

{Skills and Abilities}

PyroKinetic/Mancer- All Dragos have this ability but some are more apparent than others. For Riker-Ryn, he can summon fire at will and manipulate it into any form needed be. The more condensed the flame is the stronger and hotter it is. Blue flames are very common for Dragos to conjure, however Riker-Ryn can control white flame, far hotter and denser than blue. Although he cannot make any white flame larger than the palm of his hand. Blue can be as large as his body, red and orange flames can spread over a large field. Although he can conjure and manipulate fire. Manipulating puts a far less toll on his body.

Basically its like a stamina bar, takes a lot of his stamina to make a white flame and manipulate it, if he's made a pre-existing flame i.e camp fire then it has a far less toll on the body.


Will be fleshed out through Rp and detailed later

i have no clue how the world to describe this, so i gotta feel it out a bit.

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