* Name: Owain d'Athée
* Species: Half-Elf
* Age: 12
* Height: 5'3"
* Weight: 134lbs
* Hair: White
* Eyes: Gray
* Skin: Tan
* Occupation: Mercenary (Current) / Slave Soldier (Former)
* Place of Birth: Cerak At'Athul
* Affiliation: Freelance (Current) / Order d'Athée (Former)
* Home: None
* Aliases: None
Skills and Abilities
- Swordsmanship - Owain is a combat tested swordsman, specializing in the 'longsword'. Make no mistake, despite the sword being over seventy percent of his heights he is easily able to wield the three and a half pound weapon with deadly efficiency. A survivor of dozens of true pitched battles against grown men Owain is easy to underestimate due to his age but he is a deadly force, fully willing and able to kill with his blade. Lacking any proper training Owain's swordsmanship has no clear 'style' and is instead a collection of tricks and techniques garnered from experience. This means Owain's fighting style lacks a consistent pattern, making him deeply unpredictable.
- Leadership - The oldest of a crew of child soldiers Owain became the defacto leader of between one and three dozen other children depending on casualties and recent 'hires'. Being forced to train, lead and manage a group of scared, unruly slave soldiers and orphans has made Owain very good at leading - heavy handed in his style he lacks subtly in his leadership, relying on his force of personality and aggression if all else fails. He is not above violence, and had been known to beat offenders in line - likely a learned trait from his 'father'.
- Survival - A disposable soldier Owain was often left without supplies when times were tight and as such he has learned to survive in awful circumstances, knowing how to live of the land to some extent when in the wilderness or to steal, extort or exploit when in a city. He is no outdoorsman or street urchin, but he posses parts of their skills allowing him to survive.
- Berserker - Owain is not a tactician in combat, part of a team meant to die so others could strike Owain developed a habit of 'losing' himself in combat - replacing sound battlefield tactics with raw aggression and brutality. Unlike most who given into their emotions in battle Owain is a true 'berserker', able to shrug off wounds that would normally incapacitate, strike with increased strength and over all become greater then he naturally is. Like all berserker's the 'withdraws' after combat are brutal, all fatigue and damage hitting his mind at once - furthermore the physical strain of pushing pasts one natural limits leaves lasting damage to joints and internal organs.
Owain is an aggressive, combative youth with an unusually sharp mind and a loose moral character. Raised from a young age as a disposable soldier Owain has witnessed and taken part in terrible things while other children were learning right and wrong; this has warped Owain's sense of the world and he has little moral compass, willing to do anything if the price is right.
A victim of physical and mental abuse beyond simply the life of a child soldier Owain is damaged, this manifests itself in a uncomfortable love of violence, his whole body seeming to shudder in excitement at the very idea of it. Violence is a release for him, and without it he can grow frustrated or even depressed.
Perhaps unusually for a violence addicted battle maniac Owain is deeply respectful to those he considers his 'superiors', how he judges this is unknown but once he decides it is so he is very willing to do anything he is told with no regard for his own safety or thoughts on the matter. This utter devotion to the 'hierarchy' of things is likely a deeply ingrained trauma of his life as a child soldier.
- Alignment - Lawful Evil; Owain is a morally twisted monster who strictly follows a code of conduct known only to him.
- Goals - Join a new mercenary company and return to his previous life on the battlefield.
- Likes - Combat, pillaging and running wild.
- Dislikes - The self righteous, 'heroes', himself.
- Longsword - A four foot, three and a half pound two handed long sword with a simple cross guard and tapering, cut and thrust blade. Of average quality and balanced four inches from the guard the sword is well balanced for wrist based cuts and quick shifts and pulls to the thrust. A weapon taken from an enemies corpse it has seen a hard life, likely being older then Owain himself and as such as had it's edge reground dozens of times - this has made it slightly more narrow then it was originally and has impeded it's cutting ability due to the change in edge geometry. Strong of temper it is flexible enough to survive a true melee, but stiff enough to thrust through resistance without wavering. In short it is a average quality blade which serves it's purpose as a combat tool well, but not exceptionally.
- Padded Armor - Owain's puffy blue attire is actually fabric padded armor, the thick layers of clothing acting to absorb cuts with shocking effectiveness. In a style popular amongst Elbion nobility with over sized 'puffy' proportions and with a hooded waist coat. It is a size or so too large for Owain but has been hemmed fairly well to fit him around the waist, ankles and shoulders allowing him to wear it without impeding his movements. Due to it's weight and layers it is quite warm, working like a coat in harsh climates but also draining him when the temperature gets high.
- Nothing - Owain owns nothing that wasn't on his person after his companies demise. A true pauper he struggles simply to feed himself, worrying little about the things he 'owns'.
August, Year 369; [Solo] An awful place to die. - Ongoing.
October, Year 369; [Group] The Goblin King - Ongoing.
Travel Journal
August, Year 369 to October, Year 369; Amol-Kalit (Baal-Asha) to Allir Reach.
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