Organization Layout

This page can be used as a building block in other pages.
|sigil={{{Sigil/Logo/Art|past full link including .png/.jpg}}}
|type={{{Type|Family/Clan, Company, Non-Profit Group, Crime Organization, Religious Cult, Guild, Club, Covenant, etc.}}}
|affiliation={{{Affiliation|Does it owe loyalties to any government/kingdom/empire/character/group/company/establishment?}}}
|leader={{{Leader(s)|Who leads the organization?}}}
|members={{{Members|List members}}}
|headquarters={{{Headquarters|where is the organization based}}}
|location={{{Location(s)|List other locations.}}} [comment]remove this entire line if not necessary[/comment]
|created= [comment]Optional: date created[/comment]
|image_source={{{image_source|Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)}}}
[comment]Items inside a comment will not appear in the final article. Remove those you do not need[/comment]
[comment]Write a summary paragraph (or a few) here[/comment]

[comment](Briefly list or explain the chain of command)[/comment]
[comment](Does the organization operate on a set of rules within and without?)[/comment]
[comment](What are the goals and intentions of the organization?)[/comment]
[comment](Tell the story of the organization, how it came to be, how it grew, its local influences, how individuals can gain membership, etc...)[/comment]
[comment](Link any threads where this organization has been actively portrayed) If you use the footnotes ( then these will automatically populate using the Reflist below[/comment]

This page has been seen 293 times.

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