Born into an age where Dreadlords were servants of the state, Olem has whole hearted believed himself as a servant of both Vel Anir, and the King.
He has for nearly a decade served with an extreme diligence. Every mission was carried out exactly to the letter. No matter how gruesome or grim Olem did as he saw fought, although always following his own stringent code of Honor. He sees Vel Anir not as a perfect state, but as a piece of what it might one day be.
Though not the strongest among his peers, Olem has always been respected even by more powerful Dreadlords. His ardor, and the way he makes use of his magic has lead him to become one of the more esteemed Dreadlords. Even before the revolution he was one of the few well liked of his peers.
Initially opposed to the Revolution on the grounds of it's 'dishonor', Olem sat out the brief civil war. Claiming that he would not be beholden to the slaughter of innocence nor his brothers. This caused many on both sides to distrust him, Olem was ultimately forgiven by most. Although some still hold their crudges.
Once the Republic came into power Olem quickly took the oath of service to the Guard.
Within the ranks of Vel Anir's military he quickly proved himself to be an exceptional and moral soldier. One of the first to be trusted by the upper echelons of the Guard, Olem placed himself apart from the other...perhaps less willing Dreadlords.
Before long Olem was promoted to the position of Anirian Knight, a station he was uniquely keen to take given his own magics. There he has served with distinction, leading squads into battle, retaking wayward towns, and serving the Republic as it requires.
Skills and Abilities
Olem graduated the Academy as a fourth level Dreadlord.
Among his peers he was never considered the strongest, nor his magic thought anything much of a threat. Though this was mostly true, it was an underestimation of just how far the Dreadlord's abilities could actually go.
Olem's magic lays within the school of enhancement.
He is capable of taking almost any magical effect and magnetizing it by several degrees. This extends but is not limited to people, spells, and most importantly; enchantments.
In the hands of Olem an amulet meant to cast a light might instead project a fireball. A piece of armor capable of allowing someone to struggle off a glancing blow might allow Olem to survive a falling building. His magic is expansive, and although dependent on outside factors is still quite formidable.
Among his peers he was never considered the strongest, nor his magic thought anything much of a threat. Though this was mostly true, it was an underestimation of just how far the Dreadlord's abilities could actually go.
Olem's magic lays within the school of enhancement.
He is capable of taking almost any magical effect and magnetizing it by several degrees. This extends but is not limited to people, spells, and most importantly; enchantments.
In the hands of Olem an amulet meant to cast a light might instead project a fireball. A piece of armor capable of allowing someone to struggle off a glancing blow might allow Olem to survive a falling building. His magic is expansive, and although dependent on outside factors is still quite formidable.