Myrdin Bal'thel
Myrdin Bal'thel like most of his people was born in the the forgotten Islands of the Firjstaf Ocean. Never explored by those in the west, the people of these islands are extremely skilled sailors and talented warriors.
Though they are known around the world, the people of the Firjstaf Isles are mysterious.
Many of their customs, practices, and even lifestyles is a complete mystery. The people of the Isles are often incredibly private and hardly speak of their business when met. Mostly refered to simply as the 'Fir', these people rarely speak of who they are or why they go anywhere at all
Myrdin is an exception to this rule.
Born to the Keeper of the Ships, Myrdin's place in his society should have been a great one.
This destiny however was marred by the fact that his birth caused the death of his mother. Though not his fault, this was seen as an ill omen upon the boy, and throughout his childhood he was beaten, mistreated, and often ignored.
Cast aside by his father Myrdin did his best to learn his own way, eventually becoming a skilled sailor and warrior in his own right in an attempt to impress his father.
During the annual trial of the Captains Myrdin attempted to compete and earn his place upon a ship.
It was during this competition that Myrdin's gift of magic was shown for the first time. During the final bout, in a desperate attempt to win, Myrdin tapped into something deep within his core. Magics burst from him, and he drained the Windfinder he had been facing in single combat of all his magic.
The touch rendered the Windfinder a magical mute, and for this heinous crime Myrdin was exiled.
Since then the man has traveled the world, exiled from both his people and the sea itself. Over the years Myrdin has honed his gift, becoming what is known as a mage-breaker and acting as a bounty hunter for various governments and Kings.
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