Monster Layout

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|image={{{Image|URL of Avatar Image (must end in .jpg/.png etc)}}}
|name={{{Name|What is the name of your species?}}}
|alternative names={{{Alternative Name|Is the species known by any other names? Monsters often have different folk names in different regions}}}
|origin={{{Origin|Where did the species originally come from in arethil}}}
|threat={{{Threat|Pick a word from low to extreme to describe how dangerous these might be to a lone traveller}}}
|tactics={{{Tactics| How would they typically attack a traveller}}}
|subspecies={{{Subspecies|Any subspecies should be listed here}}}
|height={{{Height|How tall are they typically?}}}
|size={{{Size|How large are they?}}}
|distinctive features={{{Features|Do they have any distinctive features?}}}
|locations={{{Locations|Where are they found now?}}}
|source={{{Image Source|Source of the image used in the infobox}}}

{{{Appearance|A key component of how your species will be perceived is their appearance. Describe that here, as well as how they may vary.}}}
{{{Habitats|Where is this species commonly found}}}
{{{Traits|List any specific traits of the species. These are tendencies, abnormalities, or general qualities that set a species apart from everyone else. Traits can be physical, psychological, or anything else that makes your particular species different.}}}
{{{Lore|Provide a more complete description of the species here. Feel free to leave for now and add more details over time}}}

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