Mervey'i has a sort of rough appearance about himself, though not dirty in anyway it is clear that man leads a less than kept life style. His hair is short and somewhat messy, the brown strands growing in their natural way with a less then professional hair cut keeping it in check, his bear and facial hair having a similar treatment. Though often growing it out Mervey'i does cut it down as best he can, usually with the affects of a 5'oclock shadow. His face while worn from travel and exposure to the elements is not overly scared in any way, the same for his over all body having yet to gain any injury that has left a defining mark.His build and stature is rather average but constant training and fighting has lead the man to gain a rather toned and muscular body.
A solider through and through Merv is quite the professionally while on the job, getting straight to the point and not beating around the bush. Off the job he is a little more hearty and willing to have fun, but never goes to far, don't expect him to be getting into a bar fight anytime soon. In this line of work keeping up a reputation if very important least you lose work to rival bands.
Sword and Shield: The tried and tested combo from over the ages, something he has been training and using since a young teen..While no master of untold skill he is no push over when using this traditional combo.
Marksman: Though more accustom to the crossbow then regular archery Merv is quiet the marksman, its best to end fight long before things get to personal. Caravan driver usually prefer attacks to not get close to the wares.
Axe: One handed ax to use again those wearing tough armor, not as easy to use as a sword but has it's uses in and out of combat.
Short Sword: The go to weapon for self defense and keeping enemies at bay, his preferred weapon, though understands it can't do everything.
Shield: Your typical heather shield used by most foot men, does the job and a good all rounder item to have on hand.
Partial Plate Armor: A good mix having the flexibility of chain mail while having solid covering plates over the more exposed areas.
Merv's life is not one of major interest, himself growing up in the Elbion region along a river trading town, his father being a guard by trade for the many merchants. Growing up learning how to use a sword and shield became just as natrual as learning to walk and talk. Though no master of the blade in any right he quickly became adept at using most one handed weapons and put said skill to use joining the local watch to keep the streets safe.
Though a simple and often rewarding job Mervey'i longed to see the outside world as his father was doing. Upon the old man putting down his blade with the ever pressing wall of old age the two swapped places, Mervey'i taking the role of a merchant guard while his dad took to teaching new watchmen. So far his work had taken him to most of the human settlements and allowed him to face men and beast alike, but for what lay past those are still quite new to him.