A tall man with a distinctly aristocratic bearing. Sharp features. Fine attire. He is possessed of distinct read hair which is most often worn long and unbound.
Skills and Abilities
Meliant is a gifted swordsman and is accustomed to fighting in heavy armor. He has more recently adopted a number of sorcerous practices relating to the foul art of blood alchemy. He has frequently withstood blows that would kill or otherwise incapacitate men. He has been seen to exert some manner of control over insects.
Meliant is very tired and somewhat bored but otherwise dutiful. He is resigned. Calm.
Biography & Lore
Oh, you know how it goes. There are many people in the Allir Reach who need killing. Meliant leads a regiment of hedge knights known as the Company of the Hand to perform that killing. Their deeds are mixed. They clash with the Allirian Rangers as often as bandits and monsters.
In these various crusades, Meliant came across arcane texts which most would agree would have been better destroyed. He studied them instead and adopted the dark practices described therein. Now it would seen those texts have altered him in some unseemly way.