Maecey Littlefoot
Maecey Littlefoot was born in the small village of Allerton. Populated almost entirely by halflings, Allerton is a place of little note and next to no worth. Though considered a reliable and plentiful trade partner, Allerton has no political, military, or even civic value.
Growing up, Allerton proved to be an incredibly peaceful, calm, and entirely infuriating environment for Maecey.
Unlike many other Halflings Maecey did not enjoy the serene quiet of her home. From a young age she was a girl that craved and desired adventure above everything else. She did not like staying home, tilling the fields, or even drinking! Instead Maecey preferred exploring and hunting.
Her parents would often be infuriated with her when she returned from 'hunts' extremely late at night, disappear for days at a time, and never do any of her chores.
This behavior eventually came to a head, with her mother screaming at Maecey and her father disowning her for her very uncivil behavior.
Tossed from her home and glad for it, Maecey made her out of Allerton and into the greater world. There she found her place with a mysterious group, men and women who like her sought adventure and something more. For three years she disappeared entirely, no one hearing from her until she suddenly popped up in Alliria after the death of one of the Merchant Council.
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