Traits and Physiology
Letai are most well known for their appearance as animal hybrids. Appearing most often as humans with animalistic traits, they have also been known to appear as partly orc, elf, gnome, halfling, and many others. Their defining features are always their animal traits, be that a tail sprouting from the lower back, ears placed atop their heads, claws and fangs growing from fingers and mouths respectively, fur or scales growing at their extremities, or otherwise inhuman features.
Being shifters, these features are known to grow more pronounced when a Letai is put in situations of great anger, stress, fear, or other extreme emotion. While this shift is a survival instinct for some Letai, for others it is a conscious change that they can at least partially control. Notable, however, is that no Letai has ever naturally been able to completely shift into animal form.
Letai reproduction is harshly bottlenecked by a strange quirk of their biology: Letai cannot reproduce with other Letai. Letai can only reproduce with a "host" species, most often humans or elves due to their apparent compatibility. The child of a Letai and a host parent, however, is always genetically a pure Letai.
A Letai child will appear as a normal member of the host parent's species until puberty, at which point their animalistic traits will begin to develop; the Letai refer to this time as the discovery of the young one's "kin spirit." Of interest is that the child's kin seems to be determined at conception and is not directly tied to the kin of their Letai parent. For example, while the child of a fox kin Letai is more likely to be a fox kin as well, this is not guaranteed; the child may end up with a kin spirit belonging to any animal.
Due to the existence of the so-called kin spirit within all Letai, the species tends to be naturally more physically adept than humans or elves are. In turn, they also tend to be more subject to instinctual behavior driven by that animal spirit.
Letai also suffer from another odd phenomenon that keeps them from forming large civilizations on any sort of regular basis: when Letai come within roughly two miles of another member of their species that they are unfamiliar or at odds with they begin to experience an uncomfortable sensation, often described first as a crawling of the skin. Depending on the level of hostility one Letai has with another, this sensation can be downright distressing as proximity between the two individuals grows slimmer.
A male, bull kin Letai.
Being shifters, these features are known to grow more pronounced when a Letai is put in situations of great anger, stress, fear, or other extreme emotion. While this shift is a survival instinct for some Letai, for others it is a conscious change that they can at least partially control. Notable, however, is that no Letai has ever naturally been able to completely shift into animal form.
Letai reproduction is harshly bottlenecked by a strange quirk of their biology: Letai cannot reproduce with other Letai. Letai can only reproduce with a "host" species, most often humans or elves due to their apparent compatibility. The child of a Letai and a host parent, however, is always genetically a pure Letai.
A Letai child will appear as a normal member of the host parent's species until puberty, at which point their animalistic traits will begin to develop; the Letai refer to this time as the discovery of the young one's "kin spirit." Of interest is that the child's kin seems to be determined at conception and is not directly tied to the kin of their Letai parent. For example, while the child of a fox kin Letai is more likely to be a fox kin as well, this is not guaranteed; the child may end up with a kin spirit belonging to any animal.
Due to the existence of the so-called kin spirit within all Letai, the species tends to be naturally more physically adept than humans or elves are. In turn, they also tend to be more subject to instinctual behavior driven by that animal spirit.
Letai also suffer from another odd phenomenon that keeps them from forming large civilizations on any sort of regular basis: when Letai come within roughly two miles of another member of their species that they are unfamiliar or at odds with they begin to experience an uncomfortable sensation, often described first as a crawling of the skin. Depending on the level of hostility one Letai has with another, this sensation can be downright distressing as proximity between the two individuals grows slimmer.

A male, bull kin Letai.
Letai vary widely in appearance depending on their kin spirit. A goat kin Letai might have horns budding from their forehead and long, flat ears, as well as a small tail budding from the small of their back; they might also acquire caprine eyes, hooves, and fur growth when they shift. A wolf kin might have a thicker mane of dark gray hair than what is normal for their host species, as well as lupine ears sprouting from the top of their head and bright, yellow eyes; they may acquire fangs, claws, and digitigrade, fur covered legs when they shift.
The only consistent visible feature among Letai is the presence of these animalistic traits.
A male, wolf kin Letai.
A female, dragon kin Letai.
The only consistent visible feature among Letai is the presence of these animalistic traits.

A male, wolf kin Letai.

A female, dragon kin Letai.
Letai tend to prefer the natural habitats of their kin, but seeing a Letai within the limits of a city is not unheard of. Because of this preference, however, Letai can theoretically be found anywhere on Arethil.
While the exact origins of the Letai people can only be speculated upon, what is fairly well documented is the way their societies most frequently structure themselves. The two most common kinds of Letai gatherings are referred to as "Friedens" and "Blutjägers."
Friedens - These generally peaceful, nomadic tribes of Letai are often times mostly consistent of prey animal kin individuals. The Friedens are the more spiritualistic of the Letai gatherings, their beliefs and practices having been described as both shamanistic and druidic. They are in tune with both their spirit kin and nature itself, communing with Mother Arethil via long-practiced rituals and meditation. Friedens are led by a small council of the tribe's eldest and wisest who ensure the well-being of those in their charge.
The Friedens ensure their continued existence through the generations by establishing good relations with the non-Letai civilizations they travel near. Frieden Letai of age will either embark on pilgrimages to find a suitable mate and return once they have done so (often with the mate in the case of male Letai) or the Frieden will establish a surrogate program with the local population in some regard. Friedens value the liberties and independence of all sentient peoples; they do not take from others against their will, only dealing in peaceful trade. Non-Letai are common sight among the Friedens, as these tribes are open to all. Many who have served as surrogate parents or have been willing mates to Frieden Letai choose to remain within the fold and are welcomed as family to the entire tribe.
Blutjägers - The foil to Letai Friedens, Blutjäger clans are usually comprised mostly of predator animal kin members. These groups of hunters laud their primal nature and value strength above all else. What there is exists to be taken by the strong, and those that lack the strength to defend what they have did not deserve it in the first place. Feats of might, usually in the form of tracking and killing powerful prey, represent the key way that Blutjäger Letai climb their social hierarchy. The mightiest Letai in a clan is considered the Alpha, and is seconded by his or her lifemate, and thirded by his or her Beta. Position of Alpha, like everything else among Blutjägers, is one that is taken; however, a truly worthy Alpha is rarely challenged by his clanmates.
When the clans require something they cannot produce themselves, captives might be taken during hunts, raids and battles. Once a captive has served his or her purpose, they are allowed to leave at their own discretion. The strongest captives may be able to handle the harsh lifestyle of the clan and earn their respect. They may end up integrating with the clan and Letai society or leaving unharmed.
One of the most powerful Blutjäger Alphas ever recorded was a human woman who had chosen to become the lifemate of the previous Alpha; when her partner died of wounds following a terrible battle, she took up his mantle and led a bloody crusade upon the cities she once called home.
Friedens - These generally peaceful, nomadic tribes of Letai are often times mostly consistent of prey animal kin individuals. The Friedens are the more spiritualistic of the Letai gatherings, their beliefs and practices having been described as both shamanistic and druidic. They are in tune with both their spirit kin and nature itself, communing with Mother Arethil via long-practiced rituals and meditation. Friedens are led by a small council of the tribe's eldest and wisest who ensure the well-being of those in their charge.
The Friedens ensure their continued existence through the generations by establishing good relations with the non-Letai civilizations they travel near. Frieden Letai of age will either embark on pilgrimages to find a suitable mate and return once they have done so (often with the mate in the case of male Letai) or the Frieden will establish a surrogate program with the local population in some regard. Friedens value the liberties and independence of all sentient peoples; they do not take from others against their will, only dealing in peaceful trade. Non-Letai are common sight among the Friedens, as these tribes are open to all. Many who have served as surrogate parents or have been willing mates to Frieden Letai choose to remain within the fold and are welcomed as family to the entire tribe.
Blutjägers - The foil to Letai Friedens, Blutjäger clans are usually comprised mostly of predator animal kin members. These groups of hunters laud their primal nature and value strength above all else. What there is exists to be taken by the strong, and those that lack the strength to defend what they have did not deserve it in the first place. Feats of might, usually in the form of tracking and killing powerful prey, represent the key way that Blutjäger Letai climb their social hierarchy. The mightiest Letai in a clan is considered the Alpha, and is seconded by his or her lifemate, and thirded by his or her Beta. Position of Alpha, like everything else among Blutjägers, is one that is taken; however, a truly worthy Alpha is rarely challenged by his clanmates.
When the clans require something they cannot produce themselves, captives might be taken during hunts, raids and battles. Once a captive has served his or her purpose, they are allowed to leave at their own discretion. The strongest captives may be able to handle the harsh lifestyle of the clan and earn their respect. They may end up integrating with the clan and Letai society or leaving unharmed.
One of the most powerful Blutjäger Alphas ever recorded was a human woman who had chosen to become the lifemate of the previous Alpha; when her partner died of wounds following a terrible battle, she took up his mantle and led a bloody crusade upon the cities she once called home.
Art credit:
1st image - Exos Heroes "Brook"
2nd image - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c1/7d/ed/c17ded136168bb8cf610b132c3558f67.jpg
3rd image - "Dragon girl" by meolucky147
Thread references:
1st image - Exos Heroes "Brook"
2nd image - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c1/7d/ed/c17ded136168bb8cf610b132c3558f67.jpg
3rd image - "Dragon girl" by meolucky147
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