Kyra Foster
Kyra is a 22-year-old human woman who has unruly brown hair with brown eyes.
She wears a slightly ragged brown dress. The shoes she has have seen better days and it seems she's better off just walking without them. Kyra has a cloak that she keeps with her in a backpack. Along with her in the bag, she has her herbs and a change of clothing. She doesn't carry any jewellery or any valuables really. She did this out of fear of robbers.
The second outfit brown like the first outfit. This one is a little more torn then the first. It seems she has taken parts off to use as bandages to wrap wounds. It also is used to hold some of her herbs from being crushed too badly.
Skills and Abilities
~ Potion-making - This is used to make the healing potions or tonics she sees fit
~ Knowing Herbs - Due to her travels she has come to know the best herbs
Kyra is a caring woman. She cares for who she heals like a mother would a child. She doesn't come to people normally and rather let people come to her. Kyra hardly ever takes anything from those who she helps and rather do it for free. Most of the time though they insist on at least a meal. So she takes them up on that offer and gets a meal for the day.
Kyra isn't much of a talker. She finds no need to fill in the empty air with meaningless sounds. unless it was needed of course. Things like what is wrong with the person she's taking care of are needed, but how it happened not so much. That isn't her concern at the time. People tend to find her cold because of this but know of her and how she helps. So they ask for her anyway.
When it comes to matters of the other sex Kyra would rather stay away from them. Any that comes up to her tries to get her for one night and she isn't into that. On top of all that none of them has impressed her enough to even bother talking to them. That being said she has no real preference to who she dates or ends up with. Race isn't an issue with her.
Biography & Lore
When she was younger, Kyra always wanted to help people. It started off with helping her mother. Then helping out other kids in her village. All the kids enjoyed this and soon started to exploit her into helping them even more with things they already knew how to do. Her mother soon noticed this and kept her inside the house more. Kyra hated this but did as she was told.
Her father wasn't around much during the day. He was normally out hunting or working on someone else's farm to earn money for the family to use to get food. That being said Kyra didn't mind and was just pleased with what she was given. Whenever he was around he always seemed to praise her and love on her.
As she grew older Kyra wanted to learn about healing. So her mother agreed and let her learn from the local healer. As she learned the healer, who happened to be a male, started to get attracted to her. Kyra was 14. One night it was the only two of them the healer attacked her. He started to undress her to do unholy things to her. Kyra started to fight and scratch at him. Finally, he let her go and she ran out. People took notice of this and started to gosip about what could have happened. Her mother freaked out after hearing this and started to pack her up. Then she was pushed out and Kyra ran out of town.
While Kyra was out she learned as much as she could from other healers around that she came into contact with. Then when she was older when men started to take an intrest in her Kyra stayed away after a few tried to do something with her that she didn't want to do.
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