Katyr El'Sur
Born just before the breakout of the Second Great War, Katyr El'Sur is perhaps one of the most zealous and dangerous Elves still alive today.
When he came into this world, Katyr's fate was already sealed.
The young elf set out to become the best warrior that he could be, setting himself on the path of a warrior. His father encouraged this, and before long the young man became engaged within the ranks of the Addas Rangers. It was there that his skill truly came to fruition.
Over the years it became obvious that Katyr favored combat with a blade rather than a bow, that he preferred to confront rather than stalk his enemy, and that his magic would be truly dangerous.
It was during the second Elven War that Katyr's skills first became known. When Vel Anir marched upon the Falwood for the second time they came far more prepared than the first. Dreadlords walked within the wake of an army of man, and they burned through the forest. Thousands of Elven lives were lost, cities were razed, and a campaign of ruthless genocide was wrought upon those of the forest.
During this conflict Katyr fought with his people, battling a slow and painful retreat. Battle after battle was lost, until entire swaths of the Falwood were ceded to the Anirians under a treaty of peace.
This stay of his hand did not sit well with Katyr, and during the years of peace the young and brash elf came together with others of like mind. They broke away from the Addas Rangers, forming a band of warriors dedicated to but one thing; Killing Dreadlords.
When the third conflict of Elves and Man broke out, Katyr and his fellows were ready.
Over the course of the conflict, Katyr and his band slaughtered dozens of Dreadlords. Hunting them like beasts, stalking through the forest, laying in wait for days, and setting traps around the Falwood and even the Villages of man. They were killers, quick, ruthless, and utterly without reason.
The Band gained a reputation among the ranks of man, and in the end it took the hand of Archon's Celebrain Tyrus and Errin Halth to bring them down. With their combined might and near an army of their own to back them the Two Dreadlords managed to get the better of the Elves, slaughtering them all save two.
Seeing their prize, the two Archon's captured Katyr, though did not manage to take his companion. Since then the Elf has been locked within the Black Keep of Vel Anir.
At least, until Revolution broke him free.