Kestrel Windborne

Name: Kestrel Windborne
Age: 21
Race: Aerys (see blow - species of human-bird hybrid)
Gender: Female
Height: 1.7 m
Hair: Waist-length, wavy, mouse-brown in colour
Eyes: Large, deep green with flecks of gold
Skin: Lightly tanned
Kestrel is young but curvy, with bright eyes like that of a falcon and wings matching that of an African Crowned Eagle. She would be considered "average" in her race, at a medium height and wingspan of about 1.5 meters on either side of her. Her favourite colour is green and so she is usually donned in at least one item of clothing this colour. Any clothing she has is tailored with holes for her wings to fit through and buttons or ties at the back to make dressing easier.
Skills and Abilities:
Out of the other young adults her age, she is one of the fastest flyers with the biggest stamina. Kestrel is agile and quick, not only in the air but also with a sword or bow and arrows.
Kestrel can be somewhat quiet and reserved, but once she warms up to someone she is quick to laugh and make pleasant conversation. Although she usually avoids confrontation, she has been known to finish a fight if someone else starts it.
Custom Species: Aerys
Size: body=5 ft - 8 ft, wingspan= 1m - 4m each side
Lifespan: 80 years
Diet: Omnivore
Appearance: Humanoid, except for a pair of wings sprouting from their shoulder-blade region.
Habitat: Mountainous regions, whether they be warm or cold