Izerth the White


Biographical information
the Spine a month old (growing) the Spine
Physical description
Dragon/ Cursed Draconian Female 0.5m 4 kg Ruby red
Political information
Out-of-character information
Shizuka/ Mika 2/02/20 By Antre Dragonys

Snow white, a bit shiny in the light. Has small horns on top of her head and along the length of her tail.

Curious, shy, yet to develop other traits through interactions.

Breathes fire (for now it can only put things on fire, like wood and flesh, no melting of iron or stone, because she’s still small).

The family of Draconians lived in the heart of the Spine, near Crobhear lake. A small group of them had made it through the decades without being bothered by outsiders. They kept to themselves and the lonely foreigners that ventured into their area once in a while were left alone, if they didn’t attack them of course. Between the rocks, the snow, and the greenery Izerth was born.

She has no memory of the group that has attacked the village she was born in. They were there for the dragon hearts. Led by a witch who believed her life would be prolonged by the diet of their species’ organs. Through some miracle Izerth survived the slaughter. Mostly because the adult Draconians managed to kill all of the intruders even if it meant giving their lives. The witch, however, wanted to live so badly she used a curse to take Izerth’s youth and humanity in order to keep herself alive. This caused the child to revert into a Draconian without the ability to walk properly. Her speech, too, left her. Though the magic tightly bound to her did allow her to communicate through a one-sided telepathy where she could speak to others without hearing their thoughts.

Fragile as she is, Izerth is trying to survive the harsh environment of the Spine by hunting mice and little birds.

OOC info: I would like for her to grow about a meter every month (pliable timeline), I will update this application as she grows/ add topics to show her development regarding her personality and looks. Once she gets too large to be playable, I’ll either turn her into a NPC or have the curse lifted, so she can continue to exist as a Draconian.

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