Ishar Morrad
Ishar Morrad was once one of the most respected Captains of the Blightlands Templar.
Serving loyally and with distinction for nearly a decade and half Ishar worked tirelessly to help those innocents that remained within the Blightlands. Particularly harboring a grudge against Slavers, Ishar made it almost his personal mission to kill any of those who would bind another being.
Though his loyalty and renown was legendary, even titans eventually fall.
This was no different for Ishar.
Upon one of his mission, the Templar Captain and his men encountered a werewolf. Though a single wolf would not have been an issue for an entire Templar Band Ishar was separated from his men as they pursued to beast into a massive canyon.
While he was alone the wolf set upon him, and although Ishar managed to slay the beast he was unfortunately bitten before the encounter was over.
Infect with lycanthropy, Ishar did as any loyal Templar would do and revealed the cancer to his fellow Templar. Those among his troops refused to kill him, stating their shame would be eternal. Unable to force their hand and too cowardly to end his own life Ishar simply left his men behind, choosing not to return to the Fortress with them.
Though officially declared dead by his fellow Templar, Ishar has survived, traveling the eastern reaches of Arethil and attempting to find a cure for his curse.
Though a haggard man, Ishar carries the look of a Warrior. Wearing only simple leathers, the former Templar Captain has taken careful note to at least keep some of his former appearance held together.Once upon a time, before his turn, Ishar held himself to a high standard of appearance. His hair was trimmed, his beard was shaved, and his armor was nearly always immaculate. He worked hard to look the part of a Templar Captain.
Since his turn this has become near impossible.
His clothes are often stained with blood, his hair is shaggy, and his beard grows at a pace which makes shaving nearly impossible. Though he tries hard to groom himself and reign these things in, Ishar often finds this to be a losing battle.
Though he does not appear to be entirely disheveled, there is clearly something off about him. In villages he visits he is often known as a 'wild-man', and tends to be shunned by all but the most kind residents.
Skills and Abilities
[+]Sword Stuff[+]Werewolf Stuff
[-]Magic Stuff
[-]Werewolf Stuff
Biography & Lore
Raised within one of the many nomadic tribes attempting to survive in the Blightlands, Ishar joined the Templar at a relatively young age. After experiencing the cruelty of the Blight Orcs and the torturous touch of many bandits and raiders Ishar saw the Templar as a way to not only escape, but perhaps better the situation of those innocents that lived in the Blightlands.Though not a major military force and surely not enough to match the Great Menalus, the Blightlands Templar have long stood as a lone hold out upon the edges of the Blight. They act as a Fortress against evil, a haven to which many people escape to and use to eventually leave the chaos of their lands.
The Blightlands Templar do their best to curb the initiatives of the Fire-Giant of Molthal, though their efforts have largely taken the shape of small scale assaults and attacks against the monster.
Despite this however Ishar joined their ranks at the age of seventeen. There he quickly excelled and bounded through the training, learning the sword and inspiring other recruits around him. He was promoted to a full Templar by nineteen, and from there quickly became renown throughout the Chapter.
Before long Ishar was leading raiding and rescue parties into the Blightlands itself, attacking slaver caravans, mines, and sometimes even Blight Orcs themselves. This lead to a rapid rise of promotions for Ishar, and eventually the young man was made a Captain.
For three years Ishar continued his campaign
His fight was however not contained to simply the Blight Orcs and Slavers. The Blightland Templars attempted to protect those they could from every threat, and a piece of this was hunting monsters of all sorts.
One of these hunts involved the pursuit of a Werewolf. Ishar and a band of twenty other men followed the trail of a lycan for nearly three days, eventually tracking him to a low laying canyon. There Ishar was separated from his band during a rockslide, and before he could rejoin them the Wolf ambushed him.
Though victorious in the fight, Ishar was bitten during the fight.
Knowing what his fate was, the Templar Captain begged his men to kill him, having not the courage to end his own life. The other Templar refused, unable to kill the man that had lead them against the Blight Orcs for nearly two decades.
Shamed, Ishar decided on exile. Leaving his company to return to the Fortress on their own, Ishar made his way further into the Blightlands.
There he attempted to die a warriors death, fighting Blight Orcs, Slavers, and anything else he encountered. For thirteen days he fought, until the first full moon. His transformation was painful, agonizing, and unrelenting.
Ishar woke the next morning, his clothes rags and his mouth filled with the taste of blood. Holding on flashes of memory, the once renown Captain of the Blightlands Templar howled in pain. A new sort of agony found him, and a desperation filled him.
Thus he began to wander, in search of either death or a cure.
References and Roleplays
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Created byonIshar MorradLast updated byonIshar Morrad