Hill Giants
Hill Giants are a sub species of giant that are generally found in mountainous or hilly areas of Arethil. The Spine holds the largest number of their kind though smaller populations are found dotted around the continent, generally away from centres of civilisation.
They are a fractious and violent race who are generally seen as brutish and stupid by others. Many tales are told to frighten children, featuring brave warriors who defeated them or clever rogues who outsmarted them through guile.
Amongst themselves giants use their own tongues, languages that sound primitive and harsh to other ears. At times it can resemble the sounds of stone crashing together. Younger giants (and those well travelled) have also displayed knowledge of Common though this can range from a few words to near fluency.
Hill Giants generally resemble well built or stout humans, albeit of extremely large stature. Their features seem coarse and blunter to the eyes with giants having a wild and savage look to them. Beyond that they are as diverse and differing as any of the races on Arethil.
It is rare to come across a giant smaller than ten foot in height or larger than twenty. Most of their adult growth is achieved by their teens but they will continue to grow at a slow rate over their lifespan. They tend to be clad in crude armour or furs depending on their tribe or clan. Most favour mauls, hammers, and clubs as weapons.
Hill Giants prefer more remote or isolated locales as living near civilised regions tends to lead to warfare. The mountains of the Spine feature the largest population in Arethil but they can be found scattered all over the known world. They tend to prefer the climate they were raised in. Giants from the Spine will favour cooler climes while those found in the desert or jungle will have adapted to the heat.
Their habitat affects their traits. Giants living isolated from civilisation may only use stone tools and possess no knowledge of Common. Those used to interacting with lesser races may have learnt ironworking, speak Common with some skill, and have incorporated new foods into their diet.
Many live a semi-nomadic existence with a few permanent settlements which they range between. Giants have been observed foraging, fishing, hunting, and even tending crops and herds.
A defining trait for many is their immense size and strength. This makes them popular as mercenaries or guards though the cost of feeding one can bankrupt an employer. That power can also be a double edged sword should they become enraged. Giants prize power above all though they can admire the guile of cunning or trickery. Trials of strength are common. Head butting contests, boulder throwing, and wrestling, are all popular pastimes.
A hardy race, giants seem unstoppable to smallfolk. They are merely inconvenienced by wounds that would kill a human or orc. Disease does not seem to trouble them and they do not suffer from the elements as much. Exhaustion seems a rare problem for them, their vigour for life is incredible. They have a resistance to magic but it is tempered by lesser talent in the art than smallfolk.
These traits can give them an arrogant or dismissive nature. Giants tend not to care too much about smallfolk, to them the smaller races are weak. They view them as annoying pests or even a source of food at times.This arrogance means a giant is unlikely to consider danger much when confronting other races, after all what threat could the small ones pose?
They are blunt to a fault. Even with their own chieftains and shamen, a giant will speak plainly. Bowing to a king or lord is an alien concept to a race that view strength or size as the main qualification for leadership. The laws and rules of civilisation can be amusing and irritating, it is not common for a giant to integrate themselves into society.
Many races have tales of giants and other monsters whether it be to scare children before bedtime or to enthrall listeners about campfires. They generally are described as brutish marauders or primitive savages, something to be avoided wherever possible.
Giants have coexisted with other races and it is not uncommon for younger ones even to seek employment or adventure. It is a wary employer who will ever take one on though, usually a desperate feudal lord or nervous merchant. The power a giant offers is tempting but their fickle nature makes them suspicious.
Art by Lucas Graciano http://www.lucasgraciano.com/#/highlands/
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