Kypka Domo
Thought to begin as possessed items in a family home that are then warped by negative energies surrounding the home. The possession spreads from small items to the entire home. The Kypka will then haunt those living there to drive them mad, feeding on their fear before killing them.
It is also rumored that the Kypka domo can be reasoned with or strike bargains with other supernatural entities, the most famous of which are witches.
Varies depending on the home
Often found on the outskirts, such as in the forests, mountains, and deserts with little other habitats around.
The Kypka Domo does have a negative psychological effect on those who live in the abode for long periods, even showing up in the dreams of those who sleep in these areas.
The first recorded history of a Kypka Domo was found in the journal of one Barnabus J. Abernathy, unfortunately, the author was never found and is believed to be deceased.
The Kypka Domo often begins as something small such as a pot or teacup that a homeowner may notice having moved from where she last left it. Such actions will slowly be expanded to other items in the house, along with other strange occurrences such as large banging sounds, movement, and decreases and temperature increases. In its younger years, the Kypka Domo typically enjoys a long marinating of its inhabitants slowly driving them insane. It is only after nearly a century that these creatures will begin to outright kill individuals quickly.
The first known death by a Kypka Domo was also recorded by Barnabus and it describes the disappearance of a family in the house before its new owners began finding various body parts hidden throughout the abode. Needless to say, the family quickly evacuated once they discovered a heart in one of their teapots.
While it is still unclear the full capabilities of a Kypka Domo there are largely three known ways to vanquish a Kypka Domo. The simplest, and most common among the peasantry, is to burn the home to the ground. Although, catching the house is far more difficult than one might think.
The second way is holy rituals designed to eliminate evil energies that can dispel the spirit leaving the house in tact. However, the ritual caster must be of sufficient strength to defeat the spirit and hold the Kypka in place.
The third option is to find the items within the home that originally sprung forth the Kypka Domo. Serving as a pseudo-heart, destroying this object will destroy the Kypka Domo and leave the house intact. However, be warned, this requires the attacks to journey inside the home and the Kypka will do everything in its power to protect its 'heart'.
The Kypka Domo often begins as something small such as a pot or teacup that a homeowner may notice having moved from where she last left it. Such actions will slowly be expanded to other items in the house, along with other strange occurrences such as large banging sounds, movement, and decreases and temperature increases. In its younger years, the Kypka Domo typically enjoys a long marinating of its inhabitants slowly driving them insane. It is only after nearly a century that these creatures will begin to outright kill individuals quickly.
The first known death by a Kypka Domo was also recorded by Barnabus and it describes the disappearance of a family in the house before its new owners began finding various body parts hidden throughout the abode. Needless to say, the family quickly evacuated once they discovered a heart in one of their teapots.
While it is still unclear the full capabilities of a Kypka Domo there are largely three known ways to vanquish a Kypka Domo. The simplest, and most common among the peasantry, is to burn the home to the ground. Although, catching the house is far more difficult than one might think.
The second way is holy rituals designed to eliminate evil energies that can dispel the spirit leaving the house in tact. However, the ritual caster must be of sufficient strength to defeat the spirit and hold the Kypka in place.
The third option is to find the items within the home that originally sprung forth the Kypka Domo. Serving as a pseudo-heart, destroying this object will destroy the Kypka Domo and leave the house intact. However, be warned, this requires the attacks to journey inside the home and the Kypka will do everything in its power to protect its 'heart'.
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