Halldór, The Flayed
Born in the frozen north of Tinda upon the Lost Isles, Halldór's father was a man of much renown and prominence within his time. Thought by some to be the leader the Nordwiir needed to unite, he gathered together nearly a hundred others to his side.
This campaign saw him take hold in the northern Isle's settlement of Skaw, where he found his charisma to be quickly rebuked.
Though many still heeded his call, the jealousy which the Dark Gods bred within the Nordwiir was ever stoked. Within months of his arrival, Halldór's father found himself betrayed. Those whom he had called his closest allies turned on him. His closest advisor and friend catching the chief unaware.
During a massacre now called the night of bloody knives Halldór's father and family were seized. Then only sixteen years old, Halldór had not yet gone through the trials, nor had his sisters. All four of them were strung up within the town square, placed before their father and then slowly flayed as he watched. The pain of their screams more agony than any father should have to endure.
This cruel punishment, lit by bonfire and torch, lasted for hours. Until eventually the Chief himself was executed. His advisor granting him the final 'mercy' of death.
It was this trial, which awoke Halldór's gift.
Waking in a snowy pit far outside Skaw. As he rejoined the world, Halldór felt his flesh being gnawed by akrewolves. Pain and agony still echoing through him, but confusion clouding his thoughts as he turned on the beast and viciously bit into it's throat. His once flayed hands finding purchase within the creature's fur, and his struggle quickly turning to victroy as the Blessings of the Dark Gods healed his wounds.
As he stood, stumbling and covered within the wolf's blood, Halldór peered down at his naked form. Flesh stripped from his muscle and bone now there once more. The Goddess of Flesh had bestowed her blessing upon him, and with her rite he had survived the Night of Bloody Knives.
Heeding her call, Halldór stripped the wolf of it's hide and stumbled to the mountains.
Only returning when Likami once again sang her song.