Grommok is an imposing individual, brash and loud-spoken. He is proud of both himself and his people, and is far from afraid to show it. At this same time, Grommok holds himself by a high sense of honour, and to those whom he deems worth of his respect, he gives it in droves. He is for the most part quite friendly, but he can also be quite frustrating to deal with.
Grommok stands tall, towering over many of his peers. His hair is long and wild, though it is decorated with various braids and beads woven throughout. He is large and wide, and his bare chest and arms are marked here and there by various scars, each resembling more the marring of a beasts claws than that of a sword or knife.
Skills and Abilities
Strength: Grommok is impressively strong, even given his size, and he displays this in a variety of ways. While in the midst of combat, it is not unusual to see him lifting his adversaries off their feet and hurling them through the air to topple upon their own allies. His strengths are best employed however, when dealing with the various beasts he is known to tame.
Beast-master: Grommok has never displayed any magical talents, but there are some from his homeland who believe he has some kind of passive powers. His ability to tame beasts rests not only in his strength alone, as there are many a creature he has tamed that could no doubt quite easily overpower him, some so large as to even crush him under their very feet. Instead, there comes a way in which he calls to some of them, or the way he displays his unrelenting determination to some that speaks. He is known by his gift in his home: Beast Master.
Beast-master: Grommok has never displayed any magical talents, but there are some from his homeland who believe he has some kind of passive powers. His ability to tame beasts rests not only in his strength alone, as there are many a creature he has tamed that could no doubt quite easily overpower him, some so large as to even crush him under their very feet. Instead, there comes a way in which he calls to some of them, or the way he displays his unrelenting determination to some that speaks. He is known by his gift in his home: Beast Master.
He not outright arrogant towards others, not for the sake of it. He will, however, blatantly defy even overwhelming odds against himself as a simple act of just that: defiance. To best him must be earned, and if it is earned, he will respect it. But with that said, Grommok is not an outright conflicting individual, and he does not seek to begin a struggle with everyone he meets - he is simply sure of himself. To most, he is friendly, albeit a bit gruff or even rude at times. But he is one who is quick to accept admonishment, so long as it is done so properly in his eyes. He is wise enough to understand that his ways and the ways of his people are not always the ways of others.
Biography & Lore
Born in the outlying lands around Bhathairk, Grommok has lived a fruitful life as a warrior, hunter, and tamer. He was young when he realized his affinity for the wild, and often he would spend weeks out in it, far from the comforts of his home. Often he would return with various companions, often beasts of the deep wild. When trouble came upon their home, even these beasts would come to the aid of Grommok and his people.
After the trouble that occurred in their great city of Bhathairk, his people had worked hard to help rebuild what had been broken. While there, he heard many tales of those who had come to their aid, and when some of those who had come in those days called for help in their own home, Grommok was compelled to go.
And so now Grommok dwells in the eastern Falwood, in a land called Aeraesar where a great war rages.
After the trouble that occurred in their great city of Bhathairk, his people had worked hard to help rebuild what had been broken. While there, he heard many tales of those who had come to their aid, and when some of those who had come in those days called for help in their own home, Grommok was compelled to go.
And so now Grommok dwells in the eastern Falwood, in a land called Aeraesar where a great war rages.
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