Duvain Le Sauvage
What can the histories say of a man born to nothing, to a pair of helpless peasants, whose son’s abilities threatened their lives and the lives of everyone around them. Magic has a price, after all. A price they were not willing to pay. The Dreadlords of Vel Anir swept him up, stuck him in their war academy that purges the weak and churns out only hardened battle mages, like fire hardened bodkins.
They received what they desired, a man who seems to know no pity or remorse, a living weapon whose only purpose is destruction.
Whether it was the nature of the work, or the artifacts he acquired in the course of it, Duvain’s mind has begun to break down and shatter beneath the stress. He is no longer entirely sane. After his last mission, he stopped sending reports to the archons. The dreadlords fear they have completely lost control over him.
The latest report was of a black knight upon a black unicorn riding toward the keep of Baron Reichling.