

Biographical information
Kalarus' Laboratory, somewhere in Alliria. 32 (pre-turning), 35 (present) Anywhere. Why would I say, human?
Physical description
Human turned Vampire Male lacking black greyish
Political information
Wandering Mercenary
Out-of-character information
Mr K 2/24/25 Pinterest

"Sconce, Baron, Cornerstone, Lock, Open, Door, Seventeen, Kalarus..." After a moment, the wizard smiled cruelly and wrote down another word, the last keyword to activate his crowning achievement.



It is useless to try and guess. He will never appear the same way twice, so why expect consistency? As for his vampire form, the Rules and Edicts ensure anyone who sees it aside from others like himself are dealt with, so for your own safety I will inform you it is unwise to ask.

Skills and Abilities

Pyre: Crown has fire magic gifted to him by his creator, and this usually takes the form of a fireball or two or his most favorite move, increasing his body heat to dangerous levels on his palms. This move can disintegrate skin with enough contact and grow hot enough to melt through armor. He hates to do the latter because then it hurts his hand, but will if he must.

Proficient Illusionism: He can create an illusion around himself to disguise as a human. This will fool most not paying attention, but those who learn the illusion is false and certain actions break the ruse.


Rules and Edicts: A set of laws written by Kalarus that he read to Crowne and the others thousands of times over during their turning using magic. By the end of what could only be classified as mental torture, they were seared into his mind. These rules are as follows (Bold means they still have effect on Crowne):

Kill Anyone Who Hurts Children: This rule actually seems quite moral, but the true reason for it was that Kalarus intended on turning children into vampires and sought to stop any adults he had previously turned from killing the children for infuriating them. Those who did anyway would die. If they stopped just before, the punishment would still be severe, but not death.

Kill Anyone Who Hurts Me: This rule is pretty self explanatory, meaning that when Kalarus is attacked, Crowne and the others are expected to put his safety before their own lives to defeat the attacker.

(Inactive: Kalarus is dead.)

Kill Anyone I Want You To: Again with the self explanatory stuff, it is what it says on the tin.

(Inactive, but can be reactivated. This Rule only activates with spoken keywords, the ones listed in the summary.)

Kill Anyone Who Harms Your Kin: This rule was really what held them all together before Kalarus' death. It enforced a sort of bond that came from knowing any infighting would result in death for the initial attacker. However, it also meant that those outside the family unwise enough to disrupt their daily tasks with violence met a...cooperative end.

(This rule is inactive due to Crown leaving his "brothers and sisters")

Kill Anyone Who Hurts You: Though such a rule could be classified more as base instinct, this rule makes it so that Crowne or the others are far more pitiless in their self-defense than they might otherwise be. It takes a bit of pressure to activate this rule, but some of the most gruesome deaths Crowne has seen have resulted from tipping one of his brothers or himself over the edge.

Kill Anyone That Sees Your True Form: This is perhaps the most important rule of them all. It was the one most drilled into their heads out of everything else. The old wizard considered Crowne (named such because he was Kalarus' "crowning achievement") and everyone else he turned in the same way his treasures and found it important nobody else knew of them, intending that those who did paid a price for it.

When under the influence of a rule, he is a singularly motivated killer who only seeks the death of the activator (in the cases of the Kill Anyone Who Hurts X rules) or the death of the target. It has become easier over the years to pause truly frivolous rampages, but the rules do still apply when the chips are down. When he is not under the influence of a rule, he is a gruff and no-nonsense sort of person who regularly writes in a diary and keeps his life organized, simply seeking to explore the world and learn things about magic so he might one day remove the rules from his mind.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>


(I know this is for IG references but OOC Captain America: Civil War was a big one. Great Movie!)

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