Cosimo Imiliane

Cosimo Imiliane

Biographical information
Alliria 22? Alliria
Physical description
Human Male Average Lean Darkish Gray Pale
Political information
Delinquent Wretch
Out-of-character information
Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)

His laughter still tastes of his tears.


Tall, dark, and handsome.

Skills and Abilities

A massive penchant for dice, cards, and any game of chance. The foremost duelist this side of Epressa, or so he says.


The caustic wit of the wry Nico has earned him many a beating or night in the gaol.

Biography & Lore

The mercantile family Imiliane likely wish they had never had Cosimo. When he is not out killing the prestigious sons and daughters of other families in pointless duels, he is whoring, drinking, or racking up an eye watering amount of debt at the gambling halls and race tracks.

To say he is in bad favor would be putting it mildly.


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