"The patient was dead for approximately three minutes before we were able to resuscitate him with the exceptional gifts of young Maester Lilah. When he came to he babbled for hours about a creature he saw that had seen perched upon the end of his bed. Despite myself, the nurses, and the young Maester all assuring him no such creature had been there he refused to believe us. Today I found him sketching the creature. It looked to me to be a fox."
- Matron Aelysha, Gynilla Hospital Log Book
Pstyxia look very similar to the common fox in terms of form and are roughly the same size as one. They are an ethereal blue colour and have a slight transparency to them. Despite this their fur does appear textured and they are solid when touched if they so wish to be. Their eyes are an unsettling black with no whites and they possess incredibly sharp teeth and claws which they use to cut the souls ties to life when they collect them.
Nobody knows where the Pstyxia originate from and there have been multiple recordings of their appearance across the world to narrow it down to a single point. Most theories suggest that they come from a different plain of reality to our own and their natural habitat is in the Spiritual Realm. When they are in our realm however people have noticed they have a particular affection for the foxglove flower.
Pstyxia are quiet and very calming creatures to be around. They actually possess a low level of empathetic abilities, able to sense peoples emotions and ease them a little. This is to help souls let go of their ties to the living and follow them to the Other Side, but their abilities do extend to the living too. This can be dangerous as they are designed to make a person want to let go of life itself. They are very helpful and whilst they do not speak they are there to guide and serve as best as they can as long as it is for the benefit of their charges.
On the Art of Dying
When you take your last breath it is important that you leave behind you all of your troubles and worries for they are for the living. There is nothing else for you to do in this world and you must trust those you leave behind to carry on the torches. If you do not do so you risk being stuck and not Ascending to be with our ancestors.
Once you have taken your final breath a guide will appear to help you on your journey to the other side. They look very much like the foxes we have here in the Falwood, though their fur is blue and their eyes a deep jet black. It is thought they are quite playful creatures and that to be in their presence is calming. These creatures we call the Pstyxia.
When you meet your Pstyxia it is important to follow them and not stop once you start on your journey. If you turn away from their path or look back you may lose yourself either in our own world as a spirit or in the spirit world before you reach your destination. They are friendly creatures and whilst they are dedicated to their job they can also be quite playful if you encounter them further in the Spirit Realm.
It is said that if you are to gift a Pstyxia with a foxglove plant they will continue to visit you on the Other Side.
When you take your last breath it is important that you leave behind you all of your troubles and worries for they are for the living. There is nothing else for you to do in this world and you must trust those you leave behind to carry on the torches. If you do not do so you risk being stuck and not Ascending to be with our ancestors.
Once you have taken your final breath a guide will appear to help you on your journey to the other side. They look very much like the foxes we have here in the Falwood, though their fur is blue and their eyes a deep jet black. It is thought they are quite playful creatures and that to be in their presence is calming. These creatures we call the Pstyxia.
When you meet your Pstyxia it is important to follow them and not stop once you start on your journey. If you turn away from their path or look back you may lose yourself either in our own world as a spirit or in the spirit world before you reach your destination. They are friendly creatures and whilst they are dedicated to their job they can also be quite playful if you encounter them further in the Spirit Realm.
It is said that if you are to gift a Pstyxia with a foxglove plant they will continue to visit you on the Other Side.
- Vesryn Fendi, Fal'Addas Library
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