Starless - Velle


Biographical information
Middle of nowhere Young Gone
Physical description
Dark elf Male Still smol Lithe Dusty black Alabastrine Dark
Political information
Unaffiliated Child
Out-of-character information
Nidraak 13.08.2019 Made by Nidraak


Velle, nicknamed Vee is your typical youth, the kind of boy that probably spent his time smashing anthills to waste time. His dishevelled hair is short and darker than his skin while his eyes are a uniform alabastrine colour. He carries a small golden thread braid around his head and usually wears some kind of clothes in the form of pants and shirt. Over his shoulder, he has a long cloak that covers him up whole like a robe.

Skills and Abilities

Bellerophon is tenacious, callous, determined.

But one thing to note is that his voice is awfully convincing, more so if one is not strong-willed and completely sane of mind. Or a divine magician, very pious, under the protection of a deity.
Lies he spews seem like truth, arguments he tosses seem convincing... This is present in his speech constantly but isn't such a tight grip as one might think.


Vee is mistrusting of other races and appears as stiff like a brick wall. But it's not hard for him to stand up for himself when it's needed. He doesn't like being reminded of his age, status or set on the sidelines due it.

He seems to have a high-born attitude that some may consider rather appealingly slappable. Whenever he's not occupying himself he might be nagging others. Sometimes he does throw tantrums as well, but not explosive ones..He's just very likely to oppose adults.

Biography & Lore

Vee's mother was an intelligent, resourceful, beautiful dame from a rare city who was fancied by a man of high status. He was a grand conjurer in fact and they both were the perfect fit for each other.
They would marry eachother the following spring.

Except... Little miss ran away with another into the middle of nowhere into some bleak town on the side of some unremarkable mountain. So remote that nobody would bat an eye if it were hit by a meteorite one lonesome day.

For all intents and purposes, Vee was born at an unknown year in an unknown country in an unknown village in an unknown home to an unremarkable father and a rather remarkable mother.

So it's not uncommon that he's solely referred to by her, as Apollonia's whelp. The kid is a nobody but His mother was the notorious 'terrible' woman.


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