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Astenvale Town - Printable version

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Astenvale (Town)

Physical Information
Town The Spine Medium
Societal Information
Primarily humans, with smaller populations of elves, orcs, goblins and dwarves. Self-governed Common, Orcish
Economic & Military Information
Under the protection of the Knights of Anathaeum. lumber, fur, medicine, alcohol grain, textiles, oil, iron
OOC Info
sanghyun kam


Not to be confused with Astenvale Monastery, which lies some distance away from the town and shares the same name. Nestled in the forests of the Valen Wilds, the township of Astenvale is one of the last resting points before entering the desolate woods surrounding the Eldyr Tree.


The people of Astenvale are a resilient and hardy sort. They are not pledged to any lord, and are used to taking care of their own. The oldest families residing in Astenvale are primarily human, as they were the first to settle the area in recent history. Many deniznes are relocated from the Western Marches - free spirits and eccentrics who did not like living under the thumb of a Lord and wished for wilder lands.

Orcs, elves, goblins and dwarves are not an uncommon sight, either. Nearby settlements of forest-dwelling orcs are regular traders at the town's weekend markets. And the dwarven clans who reside in the Southern foothills of the Spine often make the journey to Astenvale both to sell raw materials, and to exchange knowledge with the forgemasters of Astenvale Monastery.

Old traditions of hospitality make Astenvale a welcoming place to most, even species that might suffer predudice in other regions. Regardless of their origins, visitors often decide they like the town's scenery, and many a stray traveler has settled down to become a long-term resident.


Built from the lumber and stone of the surrounding lands, there is not much about Astenvale that stands out architecturally from any other settlement in the region. Though great ruins are scattered nearby, it is a superstition of the locals that using these old stones in new foundations is asking for bad luck to befall the home. This belief has some merit - the city that once stood in the same spot was imbued with magic, and some old glyphs still hang around in the stone, broken and volatile.

Shops and homes tend to be only one story tall, spread out generously between the low-slung trees and hills of the valley. Astenvale is not lacking in space, and conflicts over boundaries seldom happen.

Points of Interest

The Wyvern's Nest - What serves as the market square of Astenvale. A grouping of shops and inns geared towards traveling adventurers, the buildings nestled cozily within a well-tended garden.

The Red Rabbit - One of three inns that lay within the town's borders, kept by a burly, broad-chested man named Hinlon.

Festivals and Traditions

While no organized religion prevails in Astenvale, its people are keen on keeping folk traditions, and they have an appetite for merriment. Astenvale indulges in celebrations and festivals many times a year, some of which are well known enough to gather sightseers from distant lands.

Elder Fires' Night - A two-day festival held in the Autumn, meant to honor the dead. On the first day, families set their tables with food, and leave their homes so that the dead, and the spirit guardians of the house, can feast in peace. The second night is dedicated to the living. Fires are lit throughout the forest and fields, and the night air is filled with laughter and merriment.

Das Broofest - A celebration of master brewers, or merely an excuse to get piss drunk? During this festival, offerings of ale from surrounding settlements are brought together and sampled by all. The main event is a 'tasting' contest, where contestants drink the different brews, until all but one person is under the table.

Festival of the Lights - A festival to welcome the arrival of a new year, held on the darkest day of the Winter Solstice. Lights are lit across the landscape in any form folks can muster - by lantern, magic or bonfire. These lights represent the memories of the past year survived, as well as the welcoming of the new year and the days growing longer.


Once the site of a thriving city, Astenvale was a point of industry and invention for humanity of past. A great King ruled the surrounding land, and the marks of this civilization still rise from the slumbering wood as ruins and loci of old magic. This ancient city was also home to the very first Knights of Anathaeum - an adventuring band of warriors who would eventually break ties with their King to follow the teachings of the eponymous Anathaeum. What eventually caused the city to fall and crumble to ruin is lost to the annals of history. So too, the point in time when the rich forest valley saw travelers settle the land again.

Recent history marks Astenvale as a stopping point for adventures, the last safe place to lay their heads for the night before the wide stretch of wilderness that lies to the East of the Valen Wilds.
