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  2. Éimear Lehigh

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Éimear Lehigh

Biographical Information
Éimmi Unknown Single Sorceress Common, Ïzä
Physical Description
Fae, Sidhe Female 6'0" 132 lbs Blond Blue Rose Beige
Social/Political Information
Nobility Summer Court Fidelity Magnate, Apprentice Aeife Kielty
Lawful Good
OOC Information
Aeife June 13, 2021 GH Jang

Éimear Lehigh is a Magnate of the Summer Court and the student of Aeife Kielty.


Éimear is lean and slim, with dark blond hair that ends at her waist. She has blue, almond-shaped eyes and thin pink lips. Her ears are abnormally large for a fae.

Éimear wears an intricate outfit consisting of a form-fitting white top and black pants. A loose white jacket is worn over it. Metal accessories and armor cover her clothes, especially around the shoulders and knees.


Éimear is a very prudent, dedicated person who acts as a natural leader. She is generally level-headed and calm in dangerous situations, but she isn't above falling into a panic.

Éimear can be blunt with her comments about people's mistakes and miscalculations, tending to be very direct and wishing to help others improve enough to become great assets to the Summer Court.

Skills and Abilities

Fae Physiology (Sidhe): Éimear is a sidhe capable of powerful magic and using leys.
  • Alignment: Seelie
  • Duanann Affinity: Clouds
  • Celestial Alignment: Sun
  • Elemental Alignment: Water/Air
  • Animal Shape: Eagle
Cloud Manipulation: Éimear can create, shape, and manipulate clouds, visible masses of liquid droplets, various gases, and frozen crystals produced by the condensation of water vapor that is suspended and sustained by upward-moving air currents in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body.

Aquatic Adaptation: Éimear is able to survive and adapt to underwater environments, being able to breathe water in lieu of, or along with, a gaseous breathing medium, to swim well and to endure high water pressure and extreme water temperatures. She is able to use her senses to perceive normally regardless of the distortion/pressure of the water, including ignoring various impurities that would otherwise reduce the visibility.

Aerial Adaptation: Éimear is able to survive and adapt to extremely high or low air pressure (not becoming disoriented or deprived of the normal breathing capacity), and high wind friction; this is accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo and fear of heights.


Aeife Kielty: She is Éimear's personal teacher and master. They have been teacher and student since Éimear first began learning magic, and over time, they have also become close friends. Éimear refers to her as Master.

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