Alric Crane
Tall, thin and lanky, Alric Crane is as an unassuming foe as any. His ginger hair has long since receded, and his curled, handlebar mustache is hardly what you'd call a threatening feature. But make no mistake about it; the old man is quick on his feet, a product of his lithe, lean stature. He can typically be found in chain-mail and the white and gold drapings of his church, the Order of Esion.
Skills and Abilities
Alric Crane was a renowned swordsman in his youth. While he is still quite skilled, his abilities have diminished as his drinking has increased. These days he's known more for being a slovenly drunkard than anything else, but the truth remains that he's a dangerous opponent even in his cups.
A jolly old blowhard with an ego the size of Epressa. Crane rarely passes up an opportunity to regale a listener with tales of his sword prowess and adventures. He is socially unawares and often intoxicated, and is constantly living in the glory of his past exploits. Many find Crane irritating and self-obsessed, though ultimately he does mean well. Secretly he is depressed and yearns for some sort of meaning in life.
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