Recent content by Yvaine

  1. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    "Light protect us.. Let this not be where our paths end." 'Don't be afraid, Evie.' "If you would be quiet for just a moment perhaps I'd find us a way out of here." Olwynn chastised, the sound of the boy clamouring around in the dark doing nothing to help hear anything at all. The elf huffed...
  2. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine's breath hitched as she followed Faulkin's gaze, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat of dread. The sight before them froze her in place, her mind struggling to process the horror unfolding in front of her eyes. Yvaine stifled the sound of a quiet whimper with her hand at the...
  3. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine's heart clenched at Faulkin's words, a chill blooming across her skin as his concern mirrored her own growing unease. She nodded solemnly, her eyes darting anxiously across the darkening landscape beyond. "Yes.. Something's wrong." she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "We...
  4. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine stood just outside of the tent, her eyes scanning the land for any sign of movement. The silence was unsettling, the encroaching darkness more oppressive than usual. She wrapped her arms around herself, not just to stave off the chill, but to contain the unease growing within her. "They...
  5. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine's smile mirrored Faulkin's, but beneath its surface lurked a shadow of concern that she could do nothing to hide. She felt the tension, the weight of unspoken worries lingering in the air between them. Her heart ached with the knowledge that he carried burdens that he chose not to share...
  6. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    How many times had she watched him from afar? Even still, despite the looming darkness of the path ahead, she felt the flutter of infatuation, the same sheer adoration that swelled in her chest so entirely that her ribs ached. There was a quiet intensity about him as he sat by the fire, his...
  7. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    It was a strange sensation to feel the presence of another in her mind, but Tinuviel was easy company and despite the memories that she relived, she felt at ease, if not intrigued, during the process. Golden eyes slowly opened to meet his gaze with a solemn smile, and Yvaine took the drink...
  8. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine's surprise was evident as she realised Tinúviel's potential to see into her visions. Her brows rose in a moment of astonishment, but she didn't question him. Instead, she nodded hesitantly, offering him her hands as she sought guidance on how to proceed. "I... Do I just...?" she asked...
  9. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    She did not feel particularly wise. If anything she spent most of her time confused and questioning her past and her path ahead, and so when Tinuviel complimented her in such a way she laughed under her breath and gently shook her head, but she wouldn't offer any argument. Tinuviel was wise, and...
  10. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine's gaze remained steady under the weight of Tinúviel's examination, his piercing eyes holding a complexity of emotions that intrigued greatly, and that might have unsettled her were his presence not so much of a comfort. A breath. And then he spoke, and the solemnity etched onto his...
  11. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Her mind was quiet, and no shadows played with her mind as they made the walk back, their movements the only sounds spearing the silence that seemed to have long since settled over these lands. Soon, the voices of their companions found her ears and she smiled with a soft sigh. She still felt...
  12. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine laughed softly as she tightened her lace and tied it. She doubted the men were fools and it was more than likely that they had been respecting the couple's rare moment of privacy. Her cheeks warmed, but she would not apologise for taking such moments when possible. They were heading down...
  13. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    Yvaine would never tire of the sound of his whispered sweet nothings. Only, they were not nothings, they were everything, his voice a sweet tonic, soothing her mind body and soul with warmth, and love, and hope. She hadn't known she could love so deeply as she loved Faulkin, nor that anyone...
  14. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    She, too, felt that rush of heat as he kissed her. They were rarely alone, and so it was difficult not to sink into such memories. Yvaine sighed deeply as she thought of those precious few days, and though she had not taken a single second for granted, she wanted so, so many more of them. This...
  15. Yvaine

    Private Tales For King and Country

    "Faulkin.." she breathed, her expression warming at the ever welcome sight of him. Still her heart fluttered against its cage in attempt at escaping her chest, and she settled a hand over it as though it might settle at her touch. "Sorry.. I didn't realise I'd wandered so far.." her head shook...