Recent content by Tal

  1. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    The press of the Ogre's palm was suffocating. Pushing Into Talmanes' chest and pressing him against the bare rock behind him. The prince could feel his skin shredding against the stone, steaks or hot blood beginning to slowly drop down over his flesh. His hands rose, grasping at Volstus' hand...
  2. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    ---- In the small hours of the morning, as the barest hints of sunlight speckled into the cavern, Talmanes carried Trista to bed as she slept within his arms. Gently he placed her upon one of the feathered mats within the dug out homes of their Wyld Cousins. A small fire already flickering...
  3. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    "I want to learn everything. I never want to feel helpless again." "You won't." Talmanes breathed, the cup in his palm claimed as the words slipped from his lips. Golden eyes catching hers as she slowly drew her fingers between his, Trista's breath offering a quiet plea that no man could have...
  4. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    The smile lingered on Talmanes' lips. His hand gently shifting as he swirled the slip of liquid still lingering within his cup. An index finger slowly drawing around the rim, listening to the heat pouring through Trista's voice. A spark he had igniting, having turned to a flame. "You've...
  5. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    The words were invigorating in a way that he could not have described on any other day. Trust in his world had always been so thin. A thing that would slip between the fingers, water, dripping from his grasp. When he found it, when he could finally take the trust offered, the feeling was like...
  6. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    Who was he? The monster? The lost? The criminal? The Tyrant? Talmanes had worn a thousand faces, and before the end, he would wear a thousand more. He knew that was true. He knew because he had planned it that way. Because it was what he needed to do, what he needed to be. There was no...
  7. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    "I would swear it in blood." Those words echoed within his ears again and again. They themselves seemed enough to freeze time in it of itself. The last breath of tension leaving the Prince as they resounded within his ears. He had known that she would not betray him. He had known it ever...
  8. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    ”I've only given you what you deserve.” Talmanes said in simple answer, a warm smile greeting Trista as she looked up at him. It would be the first time she had ever seen him truly relaxed. The tension which normally exuded from his presence, the ever alertness that held permanently in his...
  9. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    Destiny was a strange sort of thing. At the beginning of his life he had been nothing but a wastrel. A playboy prince who'd cared for naught and nothing. Who wasted his power and held only to a flimsy plan of loyalty to his family. It had been their betrayal that had set him on this course, and...
  10. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    ”They will.” Talmanes assured her, his voice unflappable iron. The path ahead was no less dangerous than it had been for the last ten years, and the Prince was no less deterred. He had come this far, and he would continue until his feet were bloody and all else failed him. No matter the cost...
  11. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    ”And if you hadn't.” Talmanes said as they stood upon the precipice. ”No one else would ever have had a chance to even hear.” There was little doubt in his mind that he owed his life to Tigris. If it had not been for her he would have died at those doors. He would have given up before he'd even...
  12. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    Tal found himself nearly barrelled over as Tigris threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. The smile on his face drew into a grin as her hands drew over his cheeks. Bright golden eyes peering down at her with all the confidence of a King. "I doubted myself at times." Ten years and a little...
  13. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    ”Too many.” Talmanes said to Tigris, the small smile on his face faltering for a brief moment. He knew that he could tell her anything, but a small part of him felt a flicker of shame at some of what he had endured. Truth was a knife unlike any other, just as he had said to Trista, but in...
  14. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    Volstus looked down at the little Tyrian at his side, sympathy flickering through his gaze before both of them returned their eyes to the Prince and his new company. At this point the Great Ogre did not know what to think about all of this. Talmanes had kept so many secrets, had twisted...
  15. Tal

    Private Tales Answers With the Ancestors

    Tal's features flickered for a brief moment as Tigris words passed into the air. "The very same sort as me, Tigris." The Prince rebuked, though his tone was not cutting. "And you." He continued as he stepped towards the two Wildlings, moving towards the slope of the cliffs so that he would no...