Recent content by Saffia

  1. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    "Other girls are clearly idiots." she whispered conspiratorially as she leaned in. She made him feel alive. Gods, what was this boy doing to her poor, hopeless heart? Saffia smiled at the kiss he left her with, the skin there flushing with warmth as she watched him go, and she waited, avoiding...
  2. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia’s fingers intertwined with her stranger's as they wandered through the crowds and stalls, her dark eyes, filled with excitement and curiosity, roaming the bustling night market. "Lets share." she looked up at him with a bright smile, her admiration for him growing with each passing...
  3. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia's heart fluttered at his words, her eyes softening as she looked up at him. The sincerity in his gaze made her feel as though the world had narrowed down to just the two of them, and for a moment, she let herself be swept away by the romance of it all. The playful spark that had...
  4. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia's laughter bubbled up like a melody as she watched Aerium enjoy the sweetness of the cake. His playful demeanor was infectious, drawing her in with all its warmth and charm. As he confessed his feelings, there was no hiding Saffia's grin. "So certain, are you, bold Ser? But you hardly...
  5. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    She doubted the baker could catch the resilience of a flower in icing, and so she stopped herself from lecturing him on the difference and simply nodded with a shrug, and grinned at her stranger. Saffia watched with intrigue as the man delicately decorated the little cake with bright coloured...
  6. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia laughed as he used the flower as some sort of pet name, and so she followed suit with a grin and an apologetic curtsy. "Do forgive me, Hyacinth." "I've only watched from afar." she told him, slowing a little as she realised that he planned on taking her there. "My people generally leave...
  7. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Her hand rose to her brow as she shook her head with another quiet laugh in exasperation.. What was she doing? "Daylillies." she answered confidently.. "They're wild and bright and.. resilient. My grandmother used to dye our skirts to rival their colours.." she smiled with a soft sigh, looking...
  8. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    A soft laugh rode her sigh as she was caught and pulled back to him, her flushed cheeks dimpled by the width of her smile. She'd have been disappointed had he allowed her to walk away so easily, but she appreciated that he released his hold and let her have the freedom to leave should she wish...
  9. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    The sound of his soft laughter sent a thrill scuttling down her spine, and she flashed him a bright smile as he branded her 'sweet'. These gadjes had many names for her kind, but never to her knowledge had they ever been called sweet. She was stilled by the cool wall, her breath catching before...
  10. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    As her handsome stranger drew her in closer, Saffia felt a rush of warmth banishing the chill of the night air that had previously gone unnoticed. In his embrace, she found herself suspended between caution and desire, torn between the warnings of her people and the allure of the moment. Her...
  11. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia's easy smile widened at the stranger's teasing, a playful glint dancing in her eyes as she gently hushed him with a finger to her lips. "You'll just have to listen harder then, won't you?" she quietly quipped. As Aerium began to lead her in a gentle sway, Saffia followed his lead with a...
  12. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Her smile brightened as he looked at her the way he did and she curled a dark, wavy tress of hair behind her ear. "Try me." she challenged, and with a playful grin, she clasped his hand firmly, pulling him closer with a gentle tug. Her eyes rolled in amusement at his excuses and she laughed...
  13. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia's response was gentle, her voice carrying a playful lilt as she addressed the man before her. "Are you laughing at me, Ser?" she asked, her words accompanied by a soft, melodious laugh that seemed to dance along with the music in the air. Her attire spoke volumes of her heritage, the...
  14. Saffia

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Saffia stood in the shadow of a nearby alcove, her eyes glimmering with curiosity as she watched the exchange between friends. The streets of Rhagos were alive with whispers and rumours of late, especially concerning those like her, belonging to the gypsy community. Gypsies like herself were...
  15. Saffia

    Private Tales She Who Commands the Laurel Crown

    The sun hung high in the early afternoon sky, casting a golden glow upon the fair that had sprung to life just beyond the walls of Garacross. The visiting troupe's wagons, adorned with vibrant tapestries, created a lively backdrop to the festivities. They stood proudly, each telling a tale of...