Amgeir is a tall human adorned with features that betray the torturous reality of his life. A number of tattoos adorn Amgeir's body, selected out of a belief that they bring him a deeper connection to the wilds and the creatures that dwell within. A man of simple taste and modest means, Amgeir maintains no jewelry or any element of flash to his wardrobe. Long, largely unkempt hair often frame the features of his face. The most notable aspect of his appearance are the light green/white of his eyes.
Skills and Abilities
Horse Riding
Amgeir is a silent professional. Since a very young age, he has had no one but himself to rely upon. Given the reality of his birth and early childhood, he harbors an intense hatred for slavery or the mistreatment of the weak and defenseless by the comparatively strong. While Amgeir is capable of acknowledging humor and other emotions, he regards them largely as superfluous. While technically owning a modest home in Alliria, Amgeir greatly prefers the freedom of the wilds and is rarely seen inside of any town for more than a handful of days.
Biography & Lore
Amgeir was born among the wilds of Liadain to an elven mother. The young Amgeir never had the opportunity to know his father, and his mother never spoke of the man with any degree of detail. His early childhood was pleasant enough though he was only partially accepted by his mother's kin. With a penchant for adventure and mischief, Amgeir was hunting in the woods shortly before becoming a teenager when he strayed to far from the protection of Fel'Addas.
Encountering a group of slavers, Amgeir managed to fight off two but was eventually captured and taken to Cerak At'Thul. For years, Amgeir was beaten and forced to endure a number of displeasure for failure to comply or simply for the sake of the slavers' fun. It was just before his sixteenth birthday when Amgeir was able to escape, fleeing into the wilderness that he knew better than any slaver. Over the course of the next several years, Amgeir contented himself to travel throughout Arethil, not knowing the precise way back to Fel'Addas from the vicinity of Cerak At'Thul.
By the time he had reached the age of twenty-four, Amgeir had established himself as an idealistic hunter and fighter. As time progressed, he came to be known as a Ranger that owed allegiance to no man or organization. Amgeir only encountered those in need during infrequent forays into towns to gather supplies or trade. Most of his time was spent disrupting smugglers and thieves along major trade routes.
Around his thirtieth birthday, Amgeir had acquired enough information to locate and successfully travel to Fel'Addas. What he received was...a less than welcome reception. His mother had disappeared decades ago in search of her only son. It was revealed to Amgeir that his mother, Allya, had been very young by elven standards. Amgeir felt an amount of responsibility for his mother's death, pledging to live his life in service of others as payment for the unnecessary debt paid by his mother. Wherever some amount of injustice rears its head, Amgeir is often not far behind.