Private Tales Woman Under The Earth

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Twilight Princess
Fae Courts
Deep within the woods, where the trees rustled in the wind and the ground was cloaked in a tapestry of amber and crimson leaves, a figure began to emerge from the earth. The air, thick with the scent of damp moss and decaying foliage, seemed to hold its breath as she rose, her form slowly unfurling from a deep slumber.

Around her, the forest sighed with recognition, as if it had been waiting for her return.

Twigs and fallen leaves tangled in her hair, and with each breath of the crisp autumn breeze, her eyes regained colour. In distant memory she could hear voices, faint echoes of screams interrupted by the sound of creatures stirring in the underbrush. Meanwhile, the evening sun filtered through the branches above, casting specks of shadow on the forest floor and illuminating the path ahead of her – a path she was reluctant to walk upon.

Suddenly she was overcome by a sense of confusion, and her mind struggled to regain memories that seemed just out of reach. Had she been gone for entire seasons or mere moments? The world around her had changed, yet something deep within herself remained tethered to the past. The whispers of the forest urged her to remember, but the edges of those memories were blurred, lost in the passage of time.

Amaryllis stirred, lifting herself out of her temporary grave.

Something wasn’t right.

No, not at all.

Something was terribly wrong.
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