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Elias Morn Printable version

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[var]elias morn[/var]

Biographical information
Elbion, Liadain 32 Alliria, Allir Reach
Physical description
Human Male 5'11 Muscular Dark brown Brown Fair
Political information
Ranger, hunter, bounty hunter
Out-of-character information
Sir Nathaniel

Arthur Morn's younger twin brother, a member of the Freedom Fighters and a ranger by trade.


Elias is a human male of average height with a muscular, if compact build, shoulder-length, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Of note, like his twin, he is naturally fair-haired but has recently taken to dyeing it to differentiate himself from Arthur, and in imitation of Jameson has recently allowed himself to grow a small goatee and a light layer of stubble across his upper lip. His skin tone likewise is far more tanned than his brother, a testament to the time spent outdoors. Most often, he wears a full suit of leather armor with green accents and a hooded cape that allows him to blend in with the forest and thick leather boots.

Biography & Lore

Born as the younger of fraternal twins to Jack and Laura Morn, Elias' father was a city watchman in the great city of Elbion, while his mother was the daughter of a wealthy merchant family. He recalls little of his mother as she was often ill and bedridden, though he does remember she was kind and very beautiful and how she would sing lullabies for her sons when they were toddlers. Shortly after the boys turned five, she suffered from a fatal heart disease and passed away, leaving Jack to raise them alone.

Elias' relationship with his father, though never really close, after the death of his wife became cold and distant, especially when Jack took up drinking to alleviate his grief, though he was never physically abusive to his sons. Elias remembers this as the darkest period of his life, as when the two were enrolled in school, he was bullied by the other children for his quiet, timid nature and for his preference to be in the company of animals. Often, Arthur, being the older twin took to protecting his brother against the bullies and tried to "toughen up" his twin by urging him to fight back, often landing the two in trouble.

When the boys were twelve, Jack drank too much and succumbed to alcohol poisoning, though not before he imparted a few parting words to his sons, urging them to not repeat his mistakes and to always be there for each other. Not long after their father's funeral, the twins were taken in by their godfather, Isaac Crane, a military mage and a member of the Chamber of Preservation. Elias' life soon turned for the better and he became much happier as a result, deciding instead of following in his father and brother's footsteps in joining the city guard, he would instead travel and see the world. Upon graduating at age 18, he did just that and left Elbion by ship, only occasionally writing to his godfather and twin.

His first stop was Vel Anir, city of humanity, where, thanks to Isaac's influence in admitting him to the academy, he spent two years learning the ways of the sword from the Anirian Guard. Shortly after, he journeyed to Vel Cirak, one of the vassal-states of Anir, where he learned archery as a means of hunting werecreatures. In between each of these hunts, he visited another of the vassal cities and spent time studying and hunting creatures. Elias proved himself an excellent archer and by the time he was twenty-five had slain at least four of the creatures in open hunts.

Seeking new challenges, he went to Edenham where he found himself at home with the Highlanders, enjoying their lifestyle of feasting on apple-related dishes, drinking hard cider and fighting the marauders in the region. For two years, Elias remained with the MacArthur clan, becoming good friends with many of its members. Soon afterwards, upon return from a skirmish with bandits, Elias' wanderlust returned and he parted (amicably) with the MacArthurs with the agreement he would stay in touch and return to aid his comrades-in-arms should the need ever arise again.

His next destination was Cortos, where, awestruck by the breathtaking beauty of the Twin Rivers, he gained a deep appreciation for the natural world. Much of this time was spent in the savannahs and living off the land, both hunting and befriending the local wildlife.

When the battle of Alcazar took place around this time, Elias was about 30 years old and, wanting no part in the fighting, promptly fled the scene as the battle was winding down, though he did slay his first man - a Kaliti footman that was attacking a wounded Sand Elf. As Elias was a kind soul, he dragged the wounded warrior away from the front lines. In gratitude for saving his life, the elf, whose name was Khalil declared a "life debt" in which the human would be welcome among his people as a friend and taught him much in the way of desert survival.

For nine months, Elias lived among the Sand Elf peoples of Amol-Kalit and learned their combat arts with the spear. Not long after he turned thirty one, Elias decided to leave the desert and resume his travels, though he again made a promise to aid the Sand Elves should they ever require him.

Soon, he reached his last stop on his world tour was Alliria, city of wealth. Here, of all places, he reunited with his brother after a decade of not seeing each other. The two reconnected quickly and the strained bond between the two was mended at last. During this time, Elias met Arthur's new friend, the Paladin, Nathaniel Jameson. Instantly drawn to the man's charisma, Elias was intrigued by his proposition to form a new group that would oppose tyranny and oppression across the world and from that day forward, the Freedom Fighters were born.

Skills and Abilities

Peak Human Condition: Like his twin, Elias has rigorously trained his body to be at the absolute limit of human ability. Between them, Arthur states his brother is stronger and faster than him, though the former is ultimately the better overall fighter and tactician.

Peak Human Strength: Through high-intensity workouts, gymnastics, calisthenics and his high protein diet, Elias has achieved the limit of human strength. Though no upper limit has yet been shown, some of his feats include but are not limited to snapping a pair of iron chains with considerable effort, overpowering his brother (himself a mighty fellow), deadlifting five hundred pounds with relative ease, lifting a man by the neck with one hand and being able to daze and stagger Nathan with his blows in a sparring match, even with the latter in his armor.

However, Elias' strength pales in comparison to his ally, Max.

Peak Human Speed: Although not the fastest member of the Freedom Fighters, Elias is significantly faster than normal men, once showing himself able to outrun a professional sprinter for a short time. What most opponents in combat are surprised about Elias is just how fast he can move at top speed. While not untouchable, he is quick enough to avoid arrows, casually dodge incoming attacks and even keep up with Gale, though he has stated he is not on the same level as the Fairy Knight.

Peak Human Stamina: Thanks to his highly developed musculature and control over his breathing, Elias' body generates far less fatigue toxins than others. As a result, he can run, jump, fight, climb and perform at peak potential for long times without tiring. Notably, he was able to spar evenly with Max for a full half-hour with neither of them showing any sign of stopping or even slowing down before Nathan called it off.

Peak Human Agility: Arguably his greatest trait, Elias' flexibility, sense of balance, hand-eye coordination, bodily coordination, athleticism, grip strength and reflexes are top-notch. Considered the most agile of the team, Elias can jump higher and farther, scale the highest peaks and buildings with few handholds and perform any number of acrobatic feats with greater ease than normal men. A natural gymnast, Jameson notes that Elias' acrobatic skill is so great, one could mistake him for an elf with the way he can move. He can perform complex flips of all kinds, handstands (including one-handed), perform cartwheels and spin and turn with ease.

In combat, this translates well to his fighting style of adaptability, evasion and being exceptionally difficult to strike.

Weapon Versatility: Uniquely among the Freedom Fighters, Elias lacks specialty regarding weapons and will use whatever tool he believes is necessary for the task at hand. In his mind, the battlefield is an ever-changing thing and thus, every weapon or style will have a place on it and one should strive to be versatile rather than focus on one solely. Fittingly, for a world-traveler, Elias has acquired numerous different weapons that he wields with precision and skill, though ultimately he is a master of none of them, preferring a "Jack of all trades" approach.

Among his arsenal are a bow (and arrows), a spear and shield, a large club, twin short-swords called khopeshes, and a claymore sword. Also to note, he carries a number of knives on his person, citing he keeps at least four with him at all times so as to never be caught unprepared: Large knives, small daggers, carving knives and more, to where Arthur (jokingly) has compared him to a porcupine.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Fitting with his versatile fighting style, Elias is an excellent brawler and grappler with a particular emphasis on graceful but powerful strikes, ground-fighting and other forms of unarmed combat that rely on balance, leverage, changing position, subtle shifts in weight and the use of the environment to deal damage. He once showed himself strong and skilled enough to fight his comrade, Max to a standstill in a practice match, at one point even catching a wild haymaker from the latter, though it took a considerable amount of effort to do so.

Elias has stated that his skill in unarmed combat is comparable to Arthur, but ultimately, between them his twin is better, more tactically intelligent and more experienced.


Unlike his more reserved, bitter twin, Elias is a welcoming and friendly individual that believes firmly in diplomacy and seeking friendship with other races. Called the "ambassador" of the Freedom Fighters, Elias displays great emotional maturity and often tries to consider the viewpoints of others, showing he has humility and empathy and is capable of seeing the bigger picture. Well-traveled, he is familiar with the cultures of other lands and makes an effort to respect them and their customs. Because of this, he is respected by many different peoples and is one of the few welcome among the Sand Elves.

As a way to remind himself of all he has learned from the cultures he has visited, Elias has accepted items and gifts from grateful people he has helped throughout his journeys, to the point where his bedroom in the Freedom Fighters' headquarters at Angelis Keep is full of such treasures.

Elias has deep respect for nature and the animals of the world, especially horses. In fact, a bonding point between him and Max was their mutual love of equestrianism.

In other matters, Elias gets on well with women and has had numerous romantic relationships in the past. That is to say, he is a complete gentleman and would never try to force himself on a woman if she is unwilling and if she firmly says no, he will honor her choice with complete dignity. Adding to this is that he will never and under absolutely no circumstances take advantage of those who have not reached maturity, only accepting women that are closer to his age.

Elias has a good, working relationship with his teammates, though he states he prefers to remain impartial so as to help balance out their competing, occasionally stubborn personalities and be the mediator anytime there is a dispute. That said, he considers Gale to be his closest friend and the two work well together in battle.

Elias' relationship with his twin is somewhat complicated. The two certainly do respect each other and work well, especially because of their complimentary fighting styles, but given they are opposites in spite of being twins, they occasionally butt heads. Nonetheless, Elias has said he loves his brother and would gladly lay down his life for him.

Max and Elias have a friendly rivalry, to where they try to outdo each other in combat for who can get the most kills. Given their styles are opposite to each other, they disagree sometimes on approaches to strategy, but never with any degree of animosity.

Even as early as their first meeting, Nathan and Elias recognized each other as kindred spirits. For his part, Nathan considers the younger Morn twin to be sensible, reliable and prudent, but moreso, he believes that he is a man he can entrust with matters of diplomacy and those that require a sensitive, subtle touch.
