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Abomination, the ooze Printable version

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Species: Ooze (Formerly Elf)
Age: 3 (As Ooze) 63 (including previous life and times its hibernated)
Height: Various (2.3 m Max)
Weight: Heavy
Hair: None
Eyes: None
Skin: Black (default)
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: A deep, magical tar pit which altered the character.
Affiliation: None
Home: None, travels to various places.

At default, the Abomination appears as a large black mass of thick slime which can change its body shape.

(Pic below)

Skills and Abilities

The Abomination's body is constructed out of many smaller individual "slime-cells" which makes up the body mass.

While lacking any magical ability, the Abomination is able to morph and change its body shape as a slime, seeping itself through narrow openings. The Abomination is able to change the appearance of itself, such as the color of its body. the Abomination is able to disguise itself as other creatures by changing its skin appearances and body shape.

The Abomination is also able to shift between semi-solid liquid to solid, altering its solidify. The Abomination usually use this ability to change part of its body to hardened and sharp blades, which is used to impale its opponents when coming near.

However, the Abomination has a faint "gasoline-like" smell, which can give its disguise away by careful observers.

Blunt weapons are commonly ineffective on the Abomination, due to its semi-solid nature. However, bladed or sharp weapons can damage the individual slime-cells by cutting them open at a microscopic level. Elemental attacks such as fire, acid and lighting are able to damage the slime-cells on a larger scale, decreasing the body-mass of the Abomination. While water are unable to destroy the slime-cells itself, it makes the Abomination harder to move and shift its body.

The Abomination is able to regenerate destroyed Slime-cells by resting.


The Abomination is violent towards intelligent life, and dislikes other people in general. While the Abomination is both violent and cunning, it's curious on its past, and has a desire to explore, even if it means brutally murdering others.

The Abomination is able to learn new personality and mindsets as it continues exploring, making the personality subject to change.

Biography & Lore

Formally an elf grown up in a rough family, the Abomination became a serial killer and robber as an elf, often robbing and killing travelers in the wild. However, during a fight with several well armed travelers, the Abomination was knocked into a strange, mutative tar pit. The tar pit removed most of the Abomination's memory during the years it was preserved and trapped in a comatose state inside the tar pit. However, as time went on, the tar pit mutated the elf into what is now known as "The Abomination," a massive slime monster.

When the Abomination is waken up, it cannot remember its past life or name. However, some of its darker traits and personality were preserved throughout the years.

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(original image)