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Warrior Cast

Basic Information
High Bladeling, Devorador, Hound, Infested, Lancer, Runner, Scabber The Forbidden City
Physical description
Out-of-character information
Predator dog concept art, Daniel Edery

Racial Traits

The Hivemind: All Cast have highly attuned receptors for receiving instructions via pheromones enabling a vast communications array capable of communicating complex instructions spanning miles.

Genetic Fluidity: As a race they are highly adaptive. When introduced to a new or hostile environment it will not take long for the swarm to either adapt, find or create a way to overcome the danger.
In addition to their adaptable bodies they possess the ability to assimilate desired traits from the things they consume, changing themselves on the genetic level to possess the desired traits.

Lore & Behavior

The Warrior Drone was created for the swarm, a creature worthy of being the grunt or foot soldier of the swarm, generally not known as the strongest or smartest creatures, their strength generally lays in the numbers and the cunning of the pack and their pack tactics.

They have a single minded goal to eat and adapt and grow, and to do the same for the good of the swarm, they act as hunters of genetic material.

The Warrior Drones are usually large monsters that look spawned from animals and insects, Some parts armored with chitin and other parts covered in coarse fur, scales or thick hide, their teeth point like perfect ivory daggers and their mandibles protrude from inside their mouths to aid in cutting and grabbing prey, their claws are long and razor sharp for deep cuts but also in such a way to allow for the greatest speed while running.

Lore & Mutations

These listed are mutation variants on The Warrior Drone:

Adapted for dealing with armed opponents, they use their large claws to clash with the blades of their opponents, using their lighter armor and agile hopping legs to perry and feint to gain the upper hand and kill their opponent.
They are a mass produced grunt Cast, specialized as foot soldiers for the swarm.

The Swarm Devorador look like huge six legged spiders with the head of a basilisk. Its mouth is full of rows of dagger sized razor sharp teeth, their legs end in claws that punch holes in the ground and heavy armor. They are covered in thick, heavy chitin which provides a natural armor several times stronger than that of the smaller Drones.
They are specialized in combating light and heavy cavalry units.

Mutated for more efficient tracking, hunting, and scouting.
Grimm Grin: Their faces are skull like and grotesque, the sight of it triggers a psychological fear in most creatures.
Banshee Howl: The Swarm Hound can unleash an earie howl from their throats, this acts as a location mechanism, a warning system, and can induce extreme unreasonable fear into the hearts of most creatures.

Creatures infested by the plague are mindless monsters solely bent on killing non-infested creatures. However, they are not aimless. Out of any group of infested, if there is no nexus or hierarch present, a leader will arise, the parasite/plague will differentiate between the infested hosts and determine which one is the strongest or most intelligent amongst the infested group, and a special adaptation will occur in this individual, giving it control over the rest of the infested.

Mutated to provide support to the larger creatures of the Swarm. Able to use their bladed tails as close combat and ranged weapons. This strain has a symbiotic relationship with the Behemoth Shield Drones.
Spine Bolt: They are able to generate sharp spines underneath their halberd tail and fire them at high speed equivalent to a crossbow bolt.
Spider Walk: They are able to scale any surface like a spider.
Healing Bile: Instead of spreading processing bile they spread a green slime over the wounds of injured creatures to rapidly aid the healing process.

General use forward scouts, usually employed by harvester swarms as high speed chasers to run down and quickly incapacitate prey.
Usually created by infesting wolves or using genetic traits from wolves or other high speed running creatures.

Scabber Drones are elite foot soldier type creatures. Effective humanoid fighters capable of higher limited agency in how they carry out the will of the swarm.
They are usually created through infesting goblins or using genetic traits from goblins or goblinoid creatures.
A goblin called Scabbers was the first of his kind in the Swarm.


Swarm - The Birth of a Race