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Verminn, The Pied Piper Printable version

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Verminn, The Pied Piper

Biographical information
Ragash 22 Ragash
Physical description
Human Cisgender Male 6'0 200 pounds, mostly muscle Black Grey Caramel Brown
Political information
Rat King, Streetperson
Out-of-character information
Gerblin 9/8/23 Pinterest

Vermin. That's all rats are to most people, pests who must be exterminated in order to be clean and proper. Brooms, Traps, Poison, all are regular dangers for them. Luckily, there is someone who cares and is always moving, searching for the grey furry creatures to turn onto his side and protect. He is fiercely protective of his "friends" and will not show any mercy to those who would hurt them. His name? Verminn, a man reputed within the world of criminals as the Pied Piper, The Rat King, The Scavenger Sultan. There are not many stories about him, but the ones who hear them are cautious of the rats, for it is said they are who the Sultan turns into his guards.


Black haired, Grey-eyed Human with caramel brown skin who often wears a red scarf along with a blue leather tunic and pants. Those articles are pretty ripped, but the streets don't exactly allow fashion or comfort to take priority over function. What's the point of nice clothes if you can't jump your full height, somersault comfortably, and use other acrobatics?

Skills and Abilities

Hand to Hand Combat - Verminn can use quick jabs and punches, and has relatively fast reflexes. Still, he doesn't have professional training or anything, and no skills really augment his martial prowess. He does not rely on traditional weapons either, preferring to depend on his trusty flute to resolve scuffles.
Flute of Medis - This instrument has many crazy powers. Vermin has had the instrument for fourteen years and has only discovered five. These are: Luring of Rats - Draws rats to him and instantly tames them when he touches them or they listen to his tune for more than five seconds. Embiggening - This tune takes less than five seconds to play, and turns any Rat within earshot as big as a bear, making his allies much more dangerous to deal with. This is usually enough to ward off most average citizens. Next, he can Call the Guard - This means he plays a single note that is meant to signal danger. This one note combines with his magic and morphs all rats he focuses on into humans, their more ugly features disappearing and fur turning into a loose grey vest and grey cargo pants. They are normal humans, and thus are multiple times stronger than their normal form. If he uses Embiggening and Call the Guard one after the other, the humans are always at least 9-10 feet tall. Finally, for his last real ability, he can Fuse rats or humans together, which immediately kills the fusee and gives the fuser it's power, which when it comes to bear sized rats or cyclops sized humans, is pretty damn powerful. He doesn't do it often because of how horrible the process is, but he won't hold back during desperate times. Finally, he can Dispel, which allows him not only to play a song backward to undo all of the above abilities, but also dispel other types of magic. Finally, the flute is indestructible and can be used in close combat as a blunt dagger for defense and offense.


Verminn is rather reserved around other people, for fear that they'll hurt his friends, who he knows most people just consider pests and vermin. Speaking of rats, don't hurt or insult them around him, or he'll give you a piece of his mind and then the rats you did dirty will turn into humans and probably try to get some payback. However, when he is alone with his furry friends, he can be heard playing a joyous tune and singing, just being generally happy. Finally, Verminn is not naive and understands the world better than most people. He is hard to trick and usually suspicious of people, choosing to question instead of immediately trust.

Biography & Lore

Well, so far all that's happened is he pissed off a guard and when she kicked one of his "friends" (a rat), he "called the Grey Guard" and they beat her to death with their bare hands and smashed a granite Emblem. Unfortunately, it was of the Granite Hand, and he now fears Medja herself will hear of his crime, knowing full well that was who the now deceased woman served.


One Man's Rat