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Rhaener Nadir Printable version

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Rhaener Nadir

Biographical information
The Night Court
The Night Court
Physical description
Political information
High Lord of the Night Court & Smuggler
Out-of-character information
Em Cecilia
Laura Tolton

Duanann Affinity

  • Polymorph
  • Rhaener is able to change his appearance.
  • Drawbacks: He cannot change genders or races. He cannot change more than once in a 24 hour period - the reset time starts when he changes back to his normal appearance.

Elemental Alignment

  • Fire

Celestial Alignment

  • Lunar

Animal Form

  • Black Hawk


First and foremost, Rhaener is different from his Night Court brethren in the sense that he does not see women as property and baby factories. He also has no issues with lesser fae. He believes everyone has the right to be equal and safe.

Biography & Lore

Rhaener Nadir is the last of his line. His mother died when he was about two thousand years old and his father took his own life shortly thereafter so he would not have to live without his mate. He grew up with Saang Lusce so he had always been close with the Lusce family and once his parents were gone, Shyreen Lusce practically adopted him.

Most of his life was spent living off of his families wealth and fucking around to his hearts content. He did not take anything seriously and that only got worse after his parents died. He spiraled into darkness and drinking for many many years before Shyreen gave him a real reason to live.

Shyreen recruited him into the Red Ribbon Rotary Club. Rhaener has spent everyday since he joined helping women escape The Night Court.


In The Dark of the Night (Rhaener Nadir & Sadie Lusce)
The Spy & The Smuggler (Rhaener Nadir & Shayleigh)