Rafael Maier
Rafael Maier, or Raf for short, was born in the eastern city of Vel Osgen. Often said to be the twin city of Vel Luin, Osgen is a massive port located in southern Anirian Lands. It stands as one of the largest Anirian Trade cities, and often does business with both Alliria and the various free cities of Cortos.
His parents were good people of status, though neither were noble. Raf's father was a merchant, and his mother came from a long line of bankers. Both sides of his family were well reputed within Vel Osgen, and even held the ear of the Governor.
As such, when it was discovered that Raf held natural magical abilities he was swiftly turned into the Proctors.
Though this may have been cynical, the Maier family negotiated with the Proctors and the Governor of Vel Osgen that at the age of eighteen Raf would be allowed to meet his parents. Though of course only if he survived. After much haranguing, and well placed bribes, this condition went into effect and Raf was sent to the Academy.
Despite the bargain his parents struck, Raf went through the exact same training that any student did. He was beaten, tortured, and made to kill well before any person should suffer such fate. Despite this, Raf has kept a generally good and even upbeat nature about him.
The tortures and cruelty of the Proctors always seemed to slip right off him, and even the bullying and beatings of his peers never seemed to be something he minded much.
Despite constant attempts to break him of this 'habit', Raf somehow managed to keep his demeanor intact. Never excelling much in class, but always sticking to the middle of the pack and seemingly being happy there. Much to the disdain of some of his classmates.
When the revolution struck, Raf was one of the few students glad for it's coming. Not because he had any personal stake in it, but simply because it meant something new.
Skills and Abilities
Similar, but distinctly separate than his classmate Meredith, Alec's magic is a form of ultimate mimicry.
Originally presenting when he was a mere child, it took the Proctors quite some time to figure out what it was Alec actually did. The first time he showed any display of magic was when he witnessed a Dreadlord cast a spark of lightning as a display of fire works during a parade.
Finding this amusing, Raf then replicated this feat, much to the great horror of everyone around him. When he was asked to do it again...Alec found this task impossible.
Over time it has become more and more clear that Alec is capable of mimicking any magic he observes. Unlike with his classmate however, Raf is unable to steal the complete 'bible' of abilities from his foes. He is only able to take what he sees, and even then only for a short for few seconds. Simply put, Alec magic is; monkey see, monkey do.
Interestingly, this magic also extends to the physical. He is apparently quite capable of copying anything he sees. Including fighting techniques and stances.
Originally presenting when he was a mere child, it took the Proctors quite some time to figure out what it was Alec actually did. The first time he showed any display of magic was when he witnessed a Dreadlord cast a spark of lightning as a display of fire works during a parade.
Finding this amusing, Raf then replicated this feat, much to the great horror of everyone around him. When he was asked to do it again...Alec found this task impossible.
Over time it has become more and more clear that Alec is capable of mimicking any magic he observes. Unlike with his classmate however, Raf is unable to steal the complete 'bible' of abilities from his foes. He is only able to take what he sees, and even then only for a short for few seconds. Simply put, Alec magic is; monkey see, monkey do.
Interestingly, this magic also extends to the physical. He is apparently quite capable of copying anything he sees. Including fighting techniques and stances.