Kayte Blackbrook
Alongside her husband, Marlo Blackbrook, she operates the front-of-house activities for their joint tavern, the Blackbrook Inn. Leaving the cooking to her husband, she produces unique ales in the tavern's basement and acts as a housekeeper for travelling guests.
Having never been one for violence, Kayte isn't much of a fighter compared to her husband who has a history of mercenary work. Together they own and operate the Blackbrook Inn, a well-known stop on the Gold Road where wayfarers, traders, Allerian Guardsmen, and all manner of beings may find a warm bed, a hearty meal, and fine ale.
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
Skills and Abilities
Herbalist. Having been a gatherer for her village throughout her life, Kayte is an experienced herbalist and can produce natural remedies and find the best ingredients for food and alcohol.
Brewer & Vintner. A newly acquired skill, Kayte is a keen craftswoman when it comes to alcohol and has found the sweet spot in producing fine beers and wine.
Housekeeper. Kayte know's how to look after her inn, and she does it well.
Conversationalist. Loving to chat with people, Kayte is an eager conversationalist, wanting to know all the latest gossip. Just like her husband!
Brewer & Vintner. A newly acquired skill, Kayte is a keen craftswoman when it comes to alcohol and has found the sweet spot in producing fine beers and wine.
Housekeeper. Kayte know's how to look after her inn, and she does it well.
Conversationalist. Loving to chat with people, Kayte is an eager conversationalist, wanting to know all the latest gossip. Just like her husband!
<What is your character's personality like?>
Biography & Lore
<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>