Elio Prerrero
Born in the Free City of Veiara, Elio fancies himself a bit of a criminal mastermind.
Having done the job for as long as anyone can remember, Elio has been a mainstay in the free-city of Veiara for as long as anyone can remember. He's worked with the Crimson Ravens, The Reckoners, every Syndicate and criminal organization worth it's salt.
His entire life, for however long it has actually been, Elio has been involved in the criminal underworld.
He is a man of intrepid good nature and cheer. At least on the surface. Most never see passed the wide smile and genial conversation that he pulls you into, though some are aware that the Mastermind is sometimes nothing less than an utter cut-throat.
The swing of his mood can seem to swing on the edge of a copper coin, though only when it is called for. At the end of the day, as many jokes as he might tell, Elio is a professional. He believes that the jobs he pulls are something to be cherished, almost like a piece of art.
Through his nearly four decades Elio has garnered an extreme reputation for his craft. He is well known as a 'Kingpin', the thieves cant term for the temporary leader or mastermind of a gang. His job is to create the plans and gather the information necessary to pull off whatever plan the group was hired to do. Not necessarily the man who put the plan in motion, but the architect to build it.
Despite many successful jobs over the years, the thief has never left his home city of Veiara.
Though more than able to move abroad to a place of luxury, Elio is something of a Veiaran patriot. His back is covered in the Six Freedoms, his arms are scrawled with the banners of the city, and a myriad of other tattoos mark him as a son of Veiara.
Skills and Abilities
Elio is an extremely powerful and skilled illusionist.
Never choosing to have a teacher, Elio has honed his craft over the course of his life. Capable of creating illusions as small as a fly or as large as a castle, the Master Thief is quite gifted when it comes to his magics. The more detail is included within something he creates, the more effort he expends.
When he especially concentrates he is even capable of creating Illusions that are capable of interaction.
Though this is difficult, and he must be able to see and hear what is happening this talent is one that has become exceptionally useful in his craft.
Throughout his years as a Thief, Elio has also gathered numerous magical items into his collection. Though most of these are small trinkets and talisman's with just one time use, some are far more useful and lasting. The one Elio values the most if the Mirror of Sherra. An artifact of scrying that is capable of disassembling itself into tiny pieces, An excellent tool for scouting jobs.
Never choosing to have a teacher, Elio has honed his craft over the course of his life. Capable of creating illusions as small as a fly or as large as a castle, the Master Thief is quite gifted when it comes to his magics. The more detail is included within something he creates, the more effort he expends.
When he especially concentrates he is even capable of creating Illusions that are capable of interaction.
Though this is difficult, and he must be able to see and hear what is happening this talent is one that has become exceptionally useful in his craft.
Throughout his years as a Thief, Elio has also gathered numerous magical items into his collection. Though most of these are small trinkets and talisman's with just one time use, some are far more useful and lasting. The one Elio values the most if the Mirror of Sherra. An artifact of scrying that is capable of disassembling itself into tiny pieces, An excellent tool for scouting jobs.

Oathbreakers Die
Walk Any Road, Float Any River
Courts Are for Kings
Slavery Is an Abomination
You Have What You Hold
The City of Six Freedoms, Anarchists Alley, Breakers Brook, whatever name you want to call it; Veiara is Cortos' most chaotic Free City.
Having no real official government, Veiara is a surprisingly peaceful place. Held together by an oath of six lines, the population of the city never turns on itself. Though made up of smugglers, thieves, murderers, and more often than not a few pirates, Veiara maintains it's accord through the Six Freedoms.
Held up as the most sacred of contracts, the Six Freedoms are sworn to by every man and woman in Veiara. Those who want to do business, or even pass through the city gates must swear to the Six Freedoms. They are simple and self explanatory. Anyone who breaks them will suffer swift punishment, often meted out by the local population.
The people of Veiara are incredibly proud of their anarchic freedom. They do not suffer anyone who wish to impose order or law upon them.
To them, the Six Freedoms represent all the law they need.
Many people around the world see Veiara as a distant Sister city of Teth, the two having more than few things in common. It is often that smugglers passing through the western oceans make their way around Liadain and cross through both cities upon their passage. The particularly lawlsess society presenting plenty of opportunity for profit and rest.

Veiera is a place that one can be anything they want to be. As long as you hold to the Freedoms, no one will question or ask anything of you. There is a level of respect within the city, an understanding that what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. Unless you're an obvious mark, no one will steal from you.