Celestine Havelok
"Nobody cares about you until you win. Prove yourself, and win."
- A proctor to a young Initiate Havelok
Before Her Death
Like any other Anirian put through the Dreadlord Academy, Celestine was taught to be a weapon of destruction. Her admittance to this institution started after the discovery of magic, taking form in the ability to magnify pain. It became sport for her while in service to the Dreadlords, finding the weakness in an opponent. She had been yet another sheep for their cause, and not until six years into her service, on the cusp of receiving promotion to First Rank, Celestine was struck down.The details still escape her until this day, but she had remembered waking on the back of a wagon, mistaken as a corpse.
In the Years After...
Celestine had not awoken her old self, but in the years after and finding her way, she knew her life could be remade in Epressa.Having spent a lot of her time traveling and carrying out the odd jobs, she was recruited into the Blackshield Company and became a mercenary under their banner. It was with these connections she really came into her own woman, and no longer was weighed down with the expectations and teachings forced upon her in Vel Anir.
One can count on Celestine being there when they need her most. Once operating as a solitary soldier, she now is a great addition to any group when assigned. Her fighting style has adapted to the ways found all over Epressa, making her a difficult opponent due her ease of mimicking other styles. Only when needed would she turn to use her magical ability, only invoking such power in times where she needed to shift the scales to her favour as a last resort.
Biography & Lore
Eventually I will rework all this after some RP hehe ...